English Essay

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you will write a persuasive research paper including some aspect of wealth, economic, and or social class.

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1201 Essay #4 For Paper #4, you will write a persuasive research paper involving some aspect of wealth, economic, and/or social class. Persuasive means not informative, having a Thesis that expresses an argument or stance that other people may disagree with. You are not writing a history paper. Focusing your topic is important. It generally takes two or three rounds of focus to get a proper focus, meaning, whatever topic you initially have will still need more focus. Here are some sample Thesis statements that we will be exploring and researching in class to serve as models (which means you can’t use for your paper, but I know someone will try to): • • • • • The rich contribute more to the benefit of the world than the poor Population control is necessary to control economic problems The rich should have more responsibility towards economic contributions than the poor Wedding ceremonies, despite how much they cost, are a worthwhile investment. Allowing immigrants into a country is an economic hardship. Research means, well, research. This means a heavy emphasis on ( )s and a Works Cited. You will need a proper Introduction, including an Icebreaker, Thesis, and Supporting Arguments, as well as Transitions. Your Body section is to be laid out in three sub-sections reflecting your Supporting Arguments. Each Body section can have multiple paragraphs but needs proper Topic Sentences and Transitions to guide reading. A Body paragraph needs a certain structure: Topic Sentence, the presentation of multiple supporting research, and a Conclusion Sentence. A Body paragraph requires at least 2-3 sources of information to properly support your ideas. Proper documentational use of ( )s is important. You are expected to use more than just general vague informational paraphrase. Examples, statistics, and quotes are important to strengthening your argument. Each Body paragraph should be roughly 10-15 sentences. A Conclusion is necessary. Do not write “In conclusion” or any variation of that. For your Conclusion, restate your Introduction content in five sentences. The final sentence can be a snappy ending. The last page of your paper is to be your Works Cited. At least 60% of your Works Cited must be from periodical/library sources. You will be required to have a minimum of 7 sources in your Works Cited. Your paper is expected to be longer than previous papers, roughly 6 full pages minimum. Essay #4 will be put together in stages like your other essays but with more stages. You will be expected to first propose an Introduction, followed by a rough outline, then a rough draft prior to your final draft. Because of time limits – that is, the semester will be over right after Essay #4 will be due, you may not have the opportunity to revise. Take your earlier drafts seriously.
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