One single spaced page for International Logistics Assignment

timer Asked: Nov 24th, 2018

Question Description

I need a one page single spaced and it has to include as many detailed as possible.

it is about gold pen I am going to export to Dubai and it has to discuss potential risks and discuss distributing or marketing subsidiary. ( More detailes in the file attached ).

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MKTG 4133 International Logistics Assignment Directions: This assignment simulating some of the decisions companies need to make when they market products internationally. (paper) You may use whatever sources you want including the internet, but you must cite your sources. Any direct quotes must be identified with quotation marks and the source. Spelling, punctuation, and correct use of grammar will count for 10% of the grade, so make sure that you use spelling and language checking software. There should be a cover page with your names and the name of the class and assignment number on it. Please read the following scenario and assignment directions. Make sure you cover each part of the assignment. Label each part of the assignment (for example: “Country Selection”). Many students lose points because they skip a section or do not follow directions. (Presentation) Imagine that you are presenting to your company CEO and her vice-president of operations. Put your presentation in PowerPoint format. You have no more than 10 minutes to do your presentation, so make sure that it is concise (sometimes a picture, table, or graph is “worth 1,000 words”) while covering all of the topics. You will be graded on quality of presentation as well as content. Scenario: Your company is located in Memphis, Tennessee. Your company CEO wants to start marketing your products internationally. She has decided to pick just one product and one export location to start with. The item that we will going to export is gold pen. Three components that go into the product are gold, aluminum, plastic, and ink, and all of them will be imported from China. - Discuss any potential risks involved in your selection of country. (Dubai) - Describe the method your company will use to enter the market. It must be an active exporting method of entry (agent, distributor, or marketing subsidiary). Discuss why you chose this method. - Write a contract for your agent or distributor, including: 1) Good faith clause 2) Force majeure clause 3) Scope of appointment 4) Territory clause 5) Term of appointment 6) Choice of forum and arbitration 7) Profitability of commission 8) Termination clause – Or, if you are using a marketing subsidiary instead of an agent or distributor, explain how you will set up the company, including: 1) Initial organizational chart 2) Marketing plan for year one (advertising and promotion, distribution of goods methods, target customers) 3) Sales goals for year one MKTG 4133 International Logistics Assignment Directions: This assignment simulating some of the decisions companies need to make when they market products internationally. (paper) You may use whatever sources you want including the internet, but you must cite your sources. Any direct quotes must be identified with quotation marks and the source. Spelling, punctuation, and correct use of grammar will count for 10% of the grade, so make sure that you use spelling and language checking software. There should be a cover page with your names and the name of the class and assignment number on it. Please read the following scenario and assignment directions. Make sure you cover each part of the assignment. Label each part of the assignment (for example: “Country Selection”). Many students lose points because they skip a section or do not follow directions. (Presentation) Imagine that you are presenting to your company CEO and her vice-president of operations. Put your presentation in PowerPoint format. You have no more than 10 minutes to do your presentation, so make sure that it is concise (sometimes a picture, table, or graph is “worth 1,000 words”) while covering all of the topics. You will be graded on quality of presentation as well as content. Scenario: Your company is located in Memphis, Tennessee. Your company CEO wants to start marketing your products internationally. She has decided to pick just one product and one export location to start with. The item that we will going to export is an expensive gold pen. Three components that go into the product are gold, aluminum, plastic, and ink, and all of them will be imported from China. - Discuss any potential risks involved in your selection of country. (Dubai) - Describe the method your company will use to enter the market. It must be an active exporting method of entry (agent, distributor, or marketing subsidiary). Discuss why you chose this method. - Write a contract for your agent or distributor, including: 1) Good faith clause 2) Force majeure clause 3) Scope of appointment 4) Territory clause 5) Term of appointment 6) Choice of forum and arbitration 7) Profitability of commission 8) Termination clause – Or, if you are using a marketing subsidiary instead of an agent or distributor, explain how you will set up the company, including: 1) Initial organizational chart 2) Marketing plan for year one (advertising and promotion, distribution of goods methods, target customers) 3) Sales goals for year one
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