Fall final asignment. (Research paper)

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Anatomy and Physiology I Assignment

  • You will be given expected normal cerebrospinal fluid values and a patient’s symptoms and cerebrospinal fluidvalues.
  • You will assess the data you are given and interpret the results using the following formats.
    • Write an introduction to the patient conveying their test results.
    • Discuss with the patient what those test results mean including the etiology and epidemiology of the patient’s condition.
    • Build a table or graph that organizes the normal results and the patient’s data.This graph should also include a column dedicated to a comparison between the normal results and the patient’s results and a column giving an interpretation of each test result.
    • Use two credible and relevant resources to research the patient’s condition.Use MLA format.
    • https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html
    • Be sure that your writing is done with clarity and without errors in spelling, grammar or sentence structure.
    • Write a paragraph explaining the findings of the data and the prognosis for the patient.
    • Write a summary paragraph, i.e. In conclusion, that recaps the information in the paper.



Normal values for Cerebral Spinal Fluid vary from lab to lab but typically range as follows with pressure of 50 to 180 mm H20 and a clear, colorless color.The total protein in cerebrospinal fluid should range between 15 to 45 mg/100 mL with Gamma globulin making up 3 to 12% of the total protein.The glucose level of cerebrospinal fluid should be between 50 to 80 mg/100 mL or approximately 2/3 of the blood sugar level.The cerebrospinal fluid should have no red blood cells and 0 to 5 white blood cells.The chloride content should be between 110 to 125 mEq (milliequivalent) per liter. The results of a Visual Evoked Potential Test should be 112.


The patient, Mrs. Jackson, complains that her fingers have been going numb, that she is experiencing periods of forgetfulness and problems with intimacy with her husband.The doctor ordered several tests and her results revealed that her Cerebral Spinal Fluid Appearance has a cloudy appearance.The results of the MRI showed that lesions were present in two areas of her brain.Her Visual Evoked Potential Test score was approximately 118.The total protein in her cerebrospinal fluid was 53 mp/100 mL with a cerebrospinal fluid cell count being elevated greater than 5 white blood cells.

Anatomy and Physiology I Assignment

1. Introduction to the patient conveying their test results.

2.Discuss with the patient what those test results mean including the etiology and epidemiology of the patient’s condition.

3. Build a table or graph that organizes the normal results and the patient’s data.This graph should also include a column dedicated to the normal results, patient’s results and a comparison between the normal results and the patient’s results and a column giving an interpretation of each test result.

  • Use two credible and relevant resources to research the patient’s condition.Use MLA format.
  • Write a paragraph explaining the findings of the data and the prognosis for the patient.
  • Write a summary paragraph, i.e. In conclusion, that recaps the information in the paper.


Anatomy and Physiology I Assignment

  • You will be given expected normal cerebrospinal fluid values and a patient’s symptoms and cerebrospinal fluidvalues.
  • You will assess the data you are given and interpret the results using the following formats.
    • Write an introduction to the patient conveying their test results.
    • Discuss with the patient what those test results mean including the etiology and epidemiology of the patient’s condition.
    • Build a table or graph that organizes the normal results and the patient’s data.This graph should also include a column dedicated to a comparison between the normal results and the patient’s results and a column giving an interpretation of each test result.
    • Use two credible and relevant resources to research the patient’s condition.Use MLA format.
    • https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html
    • Be sure that your writing is done with clarity and without errors in spelling, grammar or sentence structure.
    • Write a paragraph explaining the findings of the data and the prognosis for the patient.
    • Write a summary paragraph, i.e. In conclusion, that recaps the information in the paper.



Normal values for Cerebral Spinal Fluid vary from lab to lab but typically range as follows with pressure of 50 to 180 mm H20 and a clear, colorless color.The total protein in cerebrospinal fluid should range between 15 to 45 mg/100 mL with Gamma globulin making up 3 to 12% of the total protein.The glucose level of cerebrospinal fluid should be between 50 to 80 mg/100 mL or approximately 2/3 of the blood sugar level.The cerebrospinal fluid should have no red blood cells and 0 to 5 white blood cells.The chloride content should be between 110 to 125 mEq (milliequivalent) per liter. The results of a Visual Evoked Potential Test should be 112.


The patient, Mrs. Jackson, complains that her fingers have been going numb, that she is experiencing periods of forgetfulness and problems with intimacy with her husband.The doctor ordered several tests and her results revealed that her Cerebral Spinal Fluid Appearance has a cloudy appearance.The results of the MRI showed that lesions were present in two areas of her brain.Her Visual Evoked Potential Test score was approximately 118.The total protein in her cerebrospinal fluid was 53 mp/100 mL with a cerebrospinal fluid cell count being elevated greater than 5 white blood cells.

Anatomy and Physiology I Assignment

1. Introduction to the patient conveying their test results.

2.Discuss with the patient what those test results mean including the etiology and epidemiology of the patient’s condition.

3. Build a table or graph that organizes the normal results and the patient’s data.This graph should also include a column dedicated to the normal results, patient’s results and a comparison between the normal results and the patient’s results and a column giving an interpretation of each test result.

  • Use two credible and relevant resources to research the patient’s condition.Use MLA format.
  • Write a paragraph explaining the findings of the data and the prognosis for the patient.
  • Write a summary paragraph, i.e. In conclusion, that recaps the information in the paper.


Fall 2018 Assignment

Attached Files:

Please download the answer sheet at the end of the Assignment and record your answers there. When you are finished, upload your answer sheet ONLY to eCampus and submit your assignment. Remember to use your own words when answering the questions and do not copy and paste or write and answer word for word.

Anatomy and Physiology I Assignment

  • You will be given expected normal cerebrospinal fluid values and a patient’s symptoms and cerebrospinal fluidvalues.
  • You will assess the data you are given and interpret the results using the following formats.
    • Write an introduction to the patient conveying their test results.
    • Discuss with the patient what those test results mean including the etiology and epidemiology of the patient’s condition.
    • Build a table or graph that organizes the normal results and the patient’s data.This graph should also include a column dedicated to a comparison between the normal results and the patient’s results and a column giving an interpretation of each test result.
    • Use two credible and relevant resources to research the patient’s condition.Use MLA format.
    • https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html
    • Be sure that your writing is done with clarity and without errors in spelling, grammar or sentence structure.
    • Write a paragraph explaining the findings of the data and the prognosis for the patient.
    • Write a summary paragraph, i.e. In conclusion, that recaps the information in the paper.



Normal values for Cerebral Spinal Fluid vary from lab to lab but typically range as follows with pressure of 50 to 180 mm H20 and a clear, colorless color.The total protein in cerebrospinal fluid should range between 15 to 45 mg/100 mL with Gamma globulin making up 3 to 12% of the total protein.The glucose level of cerebrospinal fluid should be between 50 to 80 mg/100 mL or approximately 2/3 of the blood sugar level.The cerebrospinal fluid should have no red blood cells and 0 to 5 white blood cells.The chloride content should be between 110 to 125 mEq (milliequivalent) per liter. The results of a Visual Evoked Potential Test should be 112.


The patient, Mrs. Jackson, complains that her fingers have been going numb, that she is experiencing periods of forgetfulness and problems with intimacy with her husband.The doctor ordered several tests and her results revealed that her Cerebral Spinal Fluid Appearance has a cloudy appearance.The results of the MRI showed that lesions were present in two areas of her brain.Her Visual Evoked Potential Test score was approximately 118.The total protein in her cerebrospinal fluid was 53 mp/100 mL with a cerebrospinal fluid cell count being elevated greater than 5 white blood cells.

Anatomy and Physiology I Assignment

1. Introduction to the patient conveying their test results.

2.Discuss with the patient what those test results mean including the etiology and epidemiology of the patient’s condition.

3. Build a table or graph that organizes the normal results and the patient’s data.This graph should also include a column dedicated to the normal results, patient’s results and a comparison between the normal results and the patient’s results and a column giving an interpretation of each test result.

  • Use two credible and relevant resources to research the patient’s condition.Use MLA format.
  • Write a paragraph explaining the findings of the data and the prognosis for the patient.
  • Write a summary paragraph, i.e. In conclusion, that recaps the information in the paper.

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