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Computer Science


Normalize this database by putting it into the normal form listed and You must use Normalization through Decomposition to normalize your database.

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Suppose a different dog food vendor has provided us two similar spreadsheets as the set given for Homework 1 – except this time we are given functional dependencies: Customer (CID, C Name, C Address, C Phone#, C Email, Dog Name, Dog Gender, Dog Height, Dog Weight, Breed Name, Max Height, Min Height, Max Weight, Min Weight ) CID → C Name, C Address, C Phone#, C Email CID, Dog Name → Dog Gender, Dog Height, Dog Weight, Breed Name Breed Name → Max Height, Min Height, Max Weight, Min Weight Food (Food Name, Package Weight, Manufacturer Name, M Phone#, Breed Name, Ranking) Food Name → Package Weight, Manufacturer Name Manufacturer Name → M Phone# Food Name, Breed Name → Ranking Given the above information, answer the following questions: 1) (30 pts) Find the candidate key(s) for these tables and prove they are unique . Graduate/Bridge Students: prove at least one of your keys is minimal. 2) (70 pts) Now, normalize this database by putting it into the normal form listed for each part below version consists of both tables above . a) Put your version of the database into 2NF (you may assume it is already in 1NF). Provide one list of relations defining the database in 2NF. b) Put your version of the database into 3NF (Start with your answer to part a)). Provide one list of relations defining the database in 3NF. c) Are there any violations of BCNF in your result from part b), if so, decompose, starting with your answer to part b) to eliminate the violations of BCNF. You must use Normalization through Decomposition to normalize your database. Note that this is a binary process – you must show all the steps. Be sure to show which dependencies hold with each relation – DO NOT just list all FDs at the end. Try to decompose in such a way as to lose the fewest number of functional dependencies possible. Graduate/Bridge students MUST type this in at least a 12 pt font.
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