cancer research

User Generated





Cancer is a frightening subject, mostly because the treatments involving surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation make us so uncomfortable, sick, and can take so very long. We never know if the treatment will work, how long it will be before the cancer returns or if we can afford the treatments.

Video 1 - Experiments that point to a new understanding of cancer

Video 2: A new super weapon in the fight against cancer

Video 3: The future of early cancer detection?

Video 4: A new strategy in the war on cancer

Video 5: A new technique to save women's lives from breast cancer

Video 6: Good news in the fight against pancreatic cancer

Video 8: Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it)

Video 9: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how

Discussion questions:

1. Which of the above videos do you feel gives you the most comfort or hope against the war on cancer? Explain your answer. Is this because it relates to you or to someone you know who is already battling cancer?

2. Which of the above videos do you feel will be a technology that succeeds in the next decade and which can be implemented at doctor offices that you or your family might use? Explain why you think it is most likely to succeed and be used in this geographical location.

3. Which of the above videos do you feel will be least likely to succeed in the next decade and why it won't be used at doctor offices? Why do you feel that way?

4. Which of the videos was the most surprising, or unexpected, or provided you with the most information which you can put to use today? Did you have an emotional reaction to one of them and if so, which video and what was that reaction? Explain your answer with specific examples. Did this video make you want to do more research on the topic?


Find a news article or a reputable information file online that focuses on environmental causes of illness. You can use the Porter Ranch gas leak if you'd like but try to find a scientific article on the medical issues if possible and what might be responsible for the illness the people are experiencing.

1. Present the title and the link to the article so others can go read it.

2. Describe the illnesses that are caused and the physiology that is disrupted by the environmental factors if you can.

3. Do you feel this article is reliable in what is being reported or do you feel it is to support a position in favor of a business? Explain your answer.

4. What impact does this information have on you, if any? What can you learn from it? Explain your response.

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