Help with essay !!

timer Asked: Nov 28th, 2018

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Business Ethics Essay Assignment

Fall 2018

100 pts. Ethical Reflection Essay: Students are required to write a 3-5 page essay on ONE of the three assigned topics below.You are required to answer only one essay prompt.The essay should include a brief summary with implications and YOUR personal reflections on the issue.Organize your essay as described below.

  • Summary: Briefly summarize the issue as described in the essay prompt. Organize your thoughts carefully since you need to express yourself concisely. This section should be no more than a third of the total paper.
  • Implications: What are the concerns, issues or implications related to this issue?There may be many implications and/or concerns you could choose to address.
  • Personal Reaction/Reflections: What is your personal reaction to the issue?This section should be no more than a third of the total paper.

Essays should be double-spaced using Times New Roman 12-pt font with one-inch page margins.Essays are due at class time; no late assignments will be accepted.


Essay 3

The biggest ethical challenge facing business is….

We have studied and discussed many ethical challenges facing business leaders today.Such challenges include, but are not limited to sexual harassment in the workplace, customer confidence in business, customer privacy issues, environmental impacts of business practices, and issues related to the globalization of business.In this essay, you will choose what you believe is the greatest ethical challenge facing business today.You should carefully and thoroughly justify your answer and suggest solutions for improving the ethical climate of business.


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