Theory and Culture Worksheet

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Sociologists use theoretical perspectives to interpret social behavior and phenomena. Culture can be used to do the same, but it also provides other predictable elements. This assignment examines theoretical perspectives and the role of culture in sociology.

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SOC/100 v7 Theory and Culture Worksheet Short-Answer Respond to the following in 50 to 75 words each, unless otherwise specified. 1. What is sociology? What are some examples of what sociologists study? 2. When examining the theoretical perspectives in sociology, each perspective has a specific focus and level of analysis. What does the level of analysis mean? 3. In 25 to 50 words each, describe the focus and level of analysis for the following theoretical perspectives: a. Symbolic Interactionalism: b. Functional Analysis: c. Conflict Theory: 4. Culture shapes many things in our lives, including what we wear, what we eat, and how we interact with each other. What are the influences of culture in society? Copyright© 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
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