Two Architectures - Savannah Georgia and Siena, Italy - 700 words (describes each Architecture in 350 words)

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Business Finance


Responding to Context: choose the 5 principles that had the strongest influence on the design and explain why.

Establishing Longevity: discuss the building with regards to the following ideas: § Spatial Dualities § The in-between Domain § Support for Interaction and Retreat § Achieving Clarity and Wholeness: identify the unifying strategies that help to organize the building and explain how it does so

Integrating Construction: Discuss how the building is made—its structure, its materials, and the special role that exposed structure may have played in the articulation of the building.

15 Principles of Wholeness: From The Nature of Order, identify five principles that the Architectures exemplifies and describe how the principles deepen our experience of the room.

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