US history

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HIST 2112 Joiner Final Exam Study Guide I. Multiple choice section. I would know all I could about each of the following items/topics, if I were you. a. New Deal programs like the CCC, TVA, etc. b. Revenue Act of 1935 c. Literature of various time periods d. Dust Bowl e. Eleanor Roosevelt f. FDR’s court-packing scheme g. Mussolini h. Neutrality Act i. Lend-lease j. Atlantic Charter k. The Fall of Europe to Hitler l. Pearl Harbor m. Battles in the Pacific, especially Midway n. A. Phillip Randolph o. Nisei and the camps p. Normandy q. Battle of the Bulge r. Manhattan Project and droppings of the bombs s. National Security Act t. Israel u. Truman and civil rights v. The fall of China w. Korean War x. Strom Thurmond y. Civil rights leaders, including black militant leaders z. 1950s conformity aa. Critics of the 1950s conformity, including the Beats bb. McCarthyism cc. Our relationship with the Soviets, including Sputnik, the Cuban Missile Crisis dd. Vietnam ee. Supreme Court cases under Earl Warren ff. Women’s movement gg. Kent State hh. Amendments covered ii. Carter, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush jj. Moral Majority kk. Geraldine Ferraro ll. Oliver North mm. Fall of USSR nn. Election of 2000 oo. Gingrich pp. Welfare reform qq. rr. ss. tt. uu. vv. Whitewater Oklahoma City bombing Balkan Wars September 11, 2001 Bush Doctrine Election of 2008 II. Identification 1. Herbert Hoover 2. John Maynard Keynes 3. Charles Coughlin 4. Huey Long 5. Francis Townsend 6. Winston Churchill 7. Charles Evans Hughes 8. Cordell Hull 9. Douglas MacArthur 10. Jennette Rankin 11. Thomas Dewey 12. Chester Nimitz 13. J. Robert Oppenheimer 14. A. Philip Randolph 15. Alger Hiss 16. Hubert Humphrey 17. George F. Kennan 18. George Marshall 19. Joseph McCarthy 20. J. Strom Thurmond 21. John Kenneth Galbraith 22. Allen Ginsburg 23. John Keats 24. Jack Kerouac 25. William Levitt 26. Arthur Miller 27. Norman Vincent Peale 28. Jackson Pollock 29. Rosa Parks 30. John Foster Dulles 31. Orval Faunus 32. Thurgood Marshall 33. Francis Gray Powers 34. Adlai Stevenson 35. Harry Byrd 36. Earl Warren 37. Eugene “Bull” Connor 38. Barry Goldwater 39. Michael Harrington 40. Robert F. Kennedy 41. Malcolm Little 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. James H. Meredith William C. Westmoreland Spiro Agnew Lt. William Called Rachel Carson Cesar Chavez Betty Friedan Henry Kissinger George Wallace John Anderson Jerry Farwell Michael Dukakis Walter Mondale Oliver North Sandra Day O’Connor Hillary Clinton Bob Dole Newt Gingrich Alan Greenspan H. Ross Perot John Roberts Madeleine Albright Kenneth Starr III. Discussion questions. I will give you instructions about which two to answer out of the following questions. 1. Describe the various relief measures that President Roosevelt undertook in his first term to help relieve the human misery in America. 2. Describe the major steps in America’s move away from neutrality between 1035 and 1941. 3. Detail the Yalta Conference and show its importance to the postwar world. 4. Detail the various parts of containment. Explain each part. 5. Describe those who challenged the moral complacency and social conformity of American life in the 1950s and early 1960s. 6. Describe the civil rights movement in the 1950s. What civil rights did blacks achieve in that decade? 7. Compare the philosophies and styles of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the leaders of the Black Power movement. 8. Discuss the various aspects of President Nixon’s Vietnam policy. How was Nixon’s policy different from those of his predecessors? 9. Trace the Iran-Contra affair from its earliest existence to its conclusion. Did this incident hurt or help the Reagan administration’s reputation? 10. Detail the election of 2000. Discuss the major candidates and issues. How was the outcome of this election ultimately decided?
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