
timer Asked: Dec 3rd, 2018

Question Description


  1. Aphra Behn’s representation of slaves and slavery in Oroonoko is both progressive andconservative.


    1. In Part 1 of Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift exclusively satirizes the Lilliputians.


  1. Explain how the quotation from Paradise Lost below provides a way of understanding the entire poem.So much the rather thou Celestial light
    Shine inward, and the mind through all her powers
    Irradiate, there plant eyes, all mist from thence
    Purge and disperse, that I may see and tell
    Of things invisible to mortal sight. (III.51-55)


    1. Identify the structural irony in the following passage from Gulliver’s Travels.“I am here obliged to vindicate the reputation of an excellent lady, who was an innocent sufferer upon my account. The treasurer took a fancy to be jealous of his wife, from the malice of some evil tongues, who informed him that her grace had taken a violent affection for my person; and the court scandal ran for some time, that she once came privately to my lodging. This I solemnly declare to be a most infamous falsehood, without any grounds, further than that her grace was pleased to treat me with all innocent marks of freedom and friendship” (2522).

      QUESTION 5

        1. Gulliver and perspective

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