Mock Action Research Proposal Presentation

timer Asked: Sep 27th, 2013

Question Description

As you prepare for your Final Project, take this opportunity to create a mock presentation using PowerPoint, or other professional presentation software and present your action research proposal to your peers through VoiceThread, Jing, Voki, or other screencast digital tool. An alternative would be to use to create both slides and video simultaneously.

Your slides must include all nine components of the action research plan and follow the guidelines for creating effective presentations as discussed in the required and recommended video tutorials located in the recommended and required readings section.

It is imperative that your voice is heard as opposed to text exclusively. Therefore, it is a requirement you either include the video component with audio or simply record your voice as you share your action research proposal.

You must keep your presentation under five minutes.  Keep in mind, the emphasis is more on you and less on a number of slides that are seen.  You need to give all the important information to your audience verbally.  Include a link to your presentation or attach it to your discussion post.

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