World Music Presentation

User Generated


Business Finance


  1. Select a country- any country- in the world (except United States and Japan)
  • Geographical location (where the music is from)
  • Ethnic makeup (the number of ethnic groups, any predominant ethnic group/s)
  • Cultural characteristics/spiritual aspects/ mythological aspects.

2. Performer/Group

Focus on ONE performer or group from the chosen country. (Preference should be given to choosing performers outside of the western world OR those representing not commonly heard styles in the western musical sphere).

•Begin by showing/playing one musical example.

•Provide a BRIEF background about the performer(s).

•Provide distinct characteristics of the music. (Most important)

•Provide information on the musical instruments(s) being used. (Basic info)

•Close by showing/playing a second musical example.

-Information sources should be included on the last page.

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