ARM simulator (ARMSim). see attached.

timer Asked: Dec 8th, 2018

Question Description

Using the ARM simulator (ARMSim), write code that computes several complex values: sin(x), cos(x), sinh(x), cosh(x), and e x

I already have coded but they are giving errors. I want someone to correct them. I'll attach once assigned. You have to fix extra credit part as well

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CMSC 411 – Software Project – assigned 11/13/18 [100 points] Teams: Form groups of 2-4 each. Email Apurva with the team name and members. Task: Using the ARM simulator (ARMSim), write code that computes several complex values: sin(x), cos(x), sinh(x), cosh(x), and ex. of 32 bit without using ARM multiplier. There will be extra credit for vector mode (e.g., division, ln, sqrt). Feel free to use any code you can find as long as you reference it but make sure it’s commented. Proposed steps: 1) Read a single number (x) from memory (pre-store any constants in memory) 2) Compute sin(x) 3) Compute cos(x) 4) Compute sinh(x) 5) Compute cosh(x) 6) Compute ex 7) Store result (and anything else interesting) in memory 8) Determine how may computer cycles it took. Schedule: Sunday, 2 Dec, 11.59pm: Monday-Friday 4-7 Dec: Assembly code due on Blackboard No changes allowed after submission Documentation due on Blackboard as PDF 10 min demonstration, in Apurva’s office Grading: Source code: 30%  Commented!!!! Oral presentation & demonstration: 30%  10 minutes o Approach, Code discussion, Issues and solutions, Your Results, and Demonstration with Apurva’s numbers Final report: 30%  A Total Computer Cycles for each function.  Estimate CPI for each function.  Estimate the total processing time assuming a system clock of 32kHz, a 1MHz, and a 1 GHz for each function.  All implemented algorithms must be described.  Show sample input and output data Peer review: 10% Extra credit 50% (partial credit, yes up to 10% on your final grade) Due 12/3/2018 or sooner
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