American Military History

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UNIT II STUDY GUIDE America’s Revolution Course Learning Outcomes for Unit II Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to: 3. Discuss the innovations and technological advances directly related to the U.S. military. 3.1 Identify notable innovations and tactics of the colonial army and militia. 5. Describe the strengths of the U.S. military during major military encounters. 5.1 Elaborate on the major leaders of the colonial army. Course/Unit Learning Outcomes Learning Activity 3.1 Unit Lesson; Chapter 3; Assessment 5.1 Unit Lesson; Chapter 3; Assessment Reading Assignment Chapter 3: The American Revolution, 1763-1783 Unit Lesson The repercussions of the Great War for the Empire created the seeds of rebellion within the colonies. Colonists began rebelling through refusal to follow English ordinances, propaganda, and (more drastically) through violence as the Sons of Liberty and their actions amply illustrate. As colonial resistance grew, England’s actions toward the colonies were too little, too late as the colonists were relatively self-governing prior to the resistance. Colonists objected to Great Britain’s new legislative interest in the colonies (i.e., the Navigation Acts). Colonists also objected to Britain’s attempts to collect monies from the colonies. These taxes and tariffs went hand in hand with Britain’s legislative acts. Ultimately, Britain felt that the colonies owed obedience and monies for the protections the island nation was providing to its colonies. The colonists, however, were perturbed by the British attempts to deal with Native American tribes. In October of 1763, the British established the Proclamation Line that closed the area beyond the Appalachians to colonists. The British felt this would provide a measure of protection to the colonists as well as eliminate the costly Indian Wars funded by the crown’s coffers. However, the British did not factor in the colonists’ lust for land, and thus, rather than providing the colonists with a sense of protection, it incensed them through land limitations by proclamation (Millett, Maslowski, & Feis, 2012). As the lines were drawn for both sides, the Continental Army (America’s first standing army), was organized and commanded by George Washington despite Congress’s fear of such a military presence. Congress’s own monetary difficulties and inability to enforce its policies further complicated the American position. The spirit of independence that led to the Revolution also proved to be a deterrent in successfully waging war (Millett et al, 2012). To viably wage such a war, cooperation was needed; throughout the conflict, this cooperation was always fragile and often non-existent. HY 2000, American Military History I 1 Initially, the colonists sought to rectify the strained relationship with the mother country and claimed to be acting only in a mode of selfdefense. However, there were issues that began to change this initial colonial outlook. First, the position of the British continued to incense rather than soothe colonial egos. The British appeared determined to reign in the colonies and lacked any desire to address—much less compromise on—the issues with which the colonists challenged the mother country. Furthermore, in order to slay the giant, England, the colonies would need help with numbers, resources, and especially finances. To obtain this help from foreign powers like France, Spain, and the Netherlands, they needed to emphasize the severed bonds with England rather than repair the relationship. The turtle submarine (Magicpiano, 2010) The role of the standing army was supplemented by the role of the militia and is thoroughly explained in this unit. Besides birthing America’s first standing army, the revolution led to other technological developments. Britain had long been a naval powerhouse, and the patriots (a term claimed by the rebelling colonists) doubted the ability to overcome such force directly. However, even if the patriots could not end the conflict through the might of a navy, they did realize that such might, regardless of how small, could be used to weaken the British position. Thus, prior to the end of the war, the Americans had a total of four navies—each with specific objectives and purposes—as well as naval support from another colonial power: France. During this time period, a development emerged that would change the history of warfare forever: the turtle submarine (Millett et al., 2012). The war impacted all segments of colonial society. Native Americans played a big role in the unfolding dispute. Initially, both sides encouraged the Native Americans to remain neutral; however, as the war continued to wage, they chose increasing involvement. For the first time since the institution of their confederation, the Iroquois fought amongst themselves as some tribes sided with the British and others with the patriots. More Native Americans did ally themselves with the British, ironically, for the same reason that the patriots began the war: freedom. It was obvious that while the British might have been unable or perhaps even unwilling to enforce the Proclamation Line of 1763 that temporarily closed the area west of the Appalachians to White settlement in an effort to appease the Native American fears of illegal land purchases and encroachments by land speculators, fur traders, and frontiersmen, they did not harbor the same lust for land as the colonists. The British used the excuse of the necessity of enforcing the proclamation as one of their reasons to maintain a standing army in the colonies. The standing army and the continued taxation of the colonies stirred up continued resentment and a stronger desire for self-rule and independence from the Mother Country (Millett et al, 2012). George Washington (King, n.d.) Washington proved to be an excellent choice of commander for the colonial army. As a Virginian, he provided a colonial feel and worked tirelessly to create an army which would serve as a symbol—the very backbone—of colonial resistance. Given it was such a potent symbol, this army was to be protected at all costs, and Washington was ready to employ techniques of warfare utilized and adapted during frontier campaigns that the structured British had not previously encountered. Another reason Washington was such a commendable choice was his previous background as a politician. HY 2000, American Military History I 2 Unlike many military leaders both prior to and following him, Washington realized the importance of respecting the limitations placed upon him by the government, though this did not mean he did not challenge the fledgling government as with his secretary, Alexander Hamilton, many letters were written requesting support and arguing for the needs of his forces. Washington understood the fear of a standing army among his countrymen and did not place demands or orders upon the government, though this often led to the privation of the very troops he held so dear (Millett et al., 2012). As a figurehead of the resistance and undoubtedly a major player in the war, Washington was not alone in winning the war. Many other men contributed a great deal. A notable example is Benedict Arnold, who in the early stages of the conflict was a patriot leader who displayed a strong sense of duty and passion for the cause. Among his most significant accolades was the leadership that he demonstrated in his advance through the Maine wilderness and the capture of Quebec. However, as the war progressed, for endlessly debatable reasons (including pressure from his wife) Arnold famously changed his allegiance to the British. His position provided him unique advantages that were attractive to the English, and this switch in loyalties made his name synonymous with treason and treachery. Benedict Arnold fought in the American Revolutionary War but defected to the British Army. (Hart, 1776) Another patriot leader who contributed a great deal to the realization of an independent America, though he is sometimes overlooked, was Nathanael Greene. Spending much of the conflict as an assistant to Washington, he could not pinpoint any one specific colonial victory as his own, but the results of his leadership during the Southern campaign did much to further the cause. Many factors played into the eventual colonial win. Washington and the pride he instilled in the new nation was clearly one such reason. Another was the courage and determination the patriots displayed. Certainly, desertion had an effect on their performance, but the average soldier clung to his new nation willingly and served loyally with a sense of duty from God. Additionally, these men served at home, protecting their land and their families from what seemed a foreign invasion. Finally, the British were not well liked, thus, by the time of Saratoga, other European nations— namely France—were persuaded that the British could suffer humiliation at the hands of its colonies and thus provided aid in a number of ways (Millett et al., 2012). Despite these colonial strengths, there were undoubtedly many weaknesses. The liberty for which the new nation so desperately fought was often a weakness itself. Fearing the power of a centralized government, the separate colonies often fought tooth and nail to remain separate and to protect their own systems of life and property. These struggles led to the government’s inability to successfully muster enough troops or supply their troops adequately. Upon entering the war, the strength of the British cannot be underestimated. They unquestionably controlled the seas with a navy that knew no rival. They possessed a superior population and a larger base of monetary resources with which to wage war. At the onset, this appeared a reenactment of David and Goliath. Gen. Sir William Howe (Hall, 1872) However, there were many weaknesses within the British empire that served to strengthen the stone the patriots hurled at its head. First, despite the superior numbers Britain possessed, the populace was not united behind the British position. Even British commanders such as Howe possessed patriot sympathies. Howe was one of many British commanders to head the British in this colonial struggle. Each man—Gage, Howe, and HY 2000, American Military History I 3 Clinton—possessed different ideas of how to achieve a British victory, and such a lack of coherent strategy ultimately took its toll upon the empire. The British also underestimated the patriots’ force while overestimating the Loyalists’ sympathies and battle effectiveness among the highly trained British ranks. The decentralization that plagued the efforts of the colonies worked as a strength as well. Unable to provide a cohesive resistance, the colonies, in turn, lacked a strategic heart that the British could target. Without such a heart, it was impossible to quell the rebellion. Each time one area was subdued, rebellion would spring forth from a different direction using the nontraditional style of warfare. Finally, Britain, strained logistically to supply troops half a world away, had begun to view the colonies as a secondary theater (Millett et al., 2012). While the British would remain firmly in charge of what are now Canadian lands, the hostilities towards the young United States would subside temporarily with the Peace of Paris. While the war for independence had taken a toll on the American people, their abilities to withstand the aggressions of such a formidable foe had solidified a single union and rapidly changed the nature of war itself. There was, however, still a threat to the young nation, and with hostilities rising in Europe, the support they had depended on to defeat the British once would be hard to keep. Another issue would arise from the American population itself. With cities filling rapidly and the division of family farms over successive generations, there would come a call for more land, and with it would come a rebirth of frontier conflict in the American West. References Hall, B. H. (1872). Gen. Sir William Howe [Image]. Retrieved from Hart, T. (1776, March 26). Benedict Arnold [Image]. Retrieved from King, S. (n.d.). George Washington 1775 [Image]. Retrieved from Magicpiano. (2010, August 27). Turtle submarine [Image]. Retrieved from Millett, A. R., Maslowski, P., & Feis, W. B. (2012). For the common defense: A military history of the United States from 1607 to 2012 (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Free Press. Suggested Reading In order to access the following resources, click the links below: Peter Francisco was a key player in the American Revolutionary War. This article describes his life—from being kidnapped by pirates to joining Washington’s army. Bowman, T. (2010). George Washington's "One Man Army.” Early America Review, 9(4), 4. Retrieved from t=true&db=31h&AN=57289612&site=ehost-live&scope=site This segment from The Battle of Yorktown: 1781 takes a closer look at the Continental Army and shows a demonstration of the guns used by the Army. De Turenne, H. (Producer). (1991). Continental Army [Video file]. Retrieved from ylists.aspx?wID=273866&xtid=2459&loid=144996 HY 2000, American Military History I 4 Benedict Arnold is a very interesting historical figure. This segment from the full-length video Founding Mothers examines him. Frank, D. (Producer). (2005). Fall of Benedict Arnold [Video file]. Retrieved from ylists.aspx?wID=273866&xtid=43057&loid=96902 This segment from General Howe: Conqueror of New York focuses on the military successes of British General Howe. Haffner, C. (Executive Producer), & Lusitana, D. E. (Executive Producer). (2011). Howe's successes [Video file]. Retrieved from ylists.aspx?wID=273866&xtid=42617&loid=104013 This segment from the video The War That Made America—Part 4, Unintended Consequences discusses the Proclamation of 1763 – when King George declared that all land west of the Appalachians could not be settled. Johnson, L. (Co-Producer), Longsworth, L (Associate Producer), & David, J. (Associate Producer). (2005). The Proclamation of 1763 [Video file]. Retrieved from ylists.aspx?wID=273866&xtid=44408&loid=155082 The winter of 1780 was especially severe. This article looks at the effect this had on the Continental Army and the American Revolution. Raphael, R. (2010). America's worst winter ever. American History, 45(1), 52-55. Retrieved from t=true&db=31h&AN=48145000&site=ehost-live&scope=site The article below takes a look at the Virginia militia and, in particular, the siege of Yorktown. Reynolds, W. W. (2015). The Virginia militia at the siege of Yorktown. Military Collector & Historian, 67(2), 168-186. Retrieved from t=true&db=31h&AN=108588643&site=ehost-live&scope=site If you are interested in learning more about the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in North Carolina, read the article below. It discusses the strategies used by General Greene (for the United States) and General Cornwallis (for Great Britain). Trudeau, N. A. (2015). Steeplechase in the Carolinas, 1781. MHQ: Quarterly Journal of Military History, 27(4), 40-47. Retrieved from t=true&db=31h&AN=102325642&site=ehost-live&scope=site This article examines the reasons behind the defeat of George Washington and the Continental Army in the Battle of Germantown. Zokal, G. A. (2011). Mysterious defeat: A study of the patriots' tactical loss at Germantown during the American War of Independence. Early America Review, 10(5), 2. Retrieved from t=true&db=31h&AN=62853003&site=ehost-live&scope=site HY 2000, American Military History I 5 Information from this Professor for American Military History Content: Write a thorough and comprehensive analysis to answer the question. A few short brief sentences will not be scored highly. Make sure that you cover as many of the main ideas that you find in the book or other sources. I strongly suggest you provide the minimum number of words. Accuracy is the most important issue followed by thoroughness and critical analysis. Ensure that you are actually answering the question(s) posed. Do not be vague or unclear. Organization/Length: Make sure you do the following: Have an introduction (consider restating the question(s) here) and write what you will be exploring, your position and why (1 paragraph) Provide the available facts and analysis (2-3 paragraphs) Conclusion: Summarize your findings and relate it back to the introduction (1 paragraph). Completely meets or exceeds the minimum word count Writing: You will be graded for spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, sentence structure, etc. APA: Although short answer essays do not require APA, if you copy material, you are required to provide proper APA formating by using quotation marks, citations and sources. If you quote a source (like your textbook) you will have to provide proper APA citations and a source reference at the end of the essay. Never guess how to do APA. Research the proper form and style or ask the library or the writing center. The internet has thousands of sites that show you how APA 6th edition citations and sources appear. I have given you the correct form for the textbook already in my announcement posts. Improper APA will cost you significant points. Remember: You are not required to provide citations and sources (unless you are copying materials). However, if you quote or give citations and sources, they have to be properly written to avoid point reductions (Advice - do not cite or source unless you have too). Remember: All citations must have a source at the end of the essay, and all sources must have a citation somewhere in the essay to show how and where you used it. The requirement for discussion board posts is (2) posts (Except for Unit I which has additional posting required). A post to one of the professor's questions each week, and a second post to another student's response on the discussion board. Additional posts by the professor are provided to stimulate further discussion and learning or give you another option. It is not required to post to all of them. Participation and thoroughness is a critical. To earn a high score (90%-100%), you must do the following: Proper English writing (grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.) At minimum, four to five sentences in length (a paragraph) Other strategies to increase your scores include (not required to get a high score but can offset errors or issues in the first two posts): Additional posts after the first two (participation). Supporting video or website links that can take your readers further into the topic or discussion. Participating in the alternative posts by the professor. Accessing Professor Feedback Dear Students: Please understand that everything you write (discussion board posts, essays and papers) will receive full written feedback from me. There is a post in announcements that tells you how to access my feedback. Please review that post and make sure you are incorporating my feedback into your assignments week to week. Repeated errors will result in more deductions in your grades, so read my feedback each week (even if you got a good grade). Let me know if you have any questions. Please do not contact me about why you got a particular grade unless you first access and read my feedback. Dr. Kelso _____________________________________________________________________________________ Question 1 How were the American colonies (United States) able to defeat Great Britain in the War for Independence? Be sure to identify the innovations and tactics used by the colonial army and militia. How did the leadership of George Washington contribute to this victory? Your response must be a minimum of 500 words. Question 2 Discuss Nathanael Greene's southern campaign. Why do some historians view Greene as being second only to Washington in importance in winning the war? Your response must be a minimum of 500 words.
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American Military History
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Question 1
How were the American colonies (United States) able to defeat Great Britain in the War
for Independence? Be sure to identify the innovations and tactics used by the colonial army
and militia. How did the leadership of George Washington contribute to this victory?
Following from the tension that was growing between the residents of Great Britain and
the thirteen North American colonies as well as the colonial government which was there to
represent the British government, a combat resulted. The war that broke out was known as the
Revolutionary War, which took place from 1775 to 1785. There were a lot of factors that led to
the colonist’s win over the British, for instance, the tactics used during the war, the colonists had
skillful and capable leaders who made them have a strong alliance. Their win was miraculous
following the fact that the British had larger forces, well-trained soldiers, better and sophisticated
weapons. The main reason why the colonists were able to defeat the British in their land was the
presence of spies they had, by the time the British were conque...

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