career services

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attached below is the information , any questions please let me know. thank you in advance .

Job is still public relations - external affairs . company is nyc health + hospitals

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This assignment is the culmination of everything you have been working on in this course and your chance to not only show-off your interviewing skills but also to demonstrate your ability to network and develop new relationships. You are encouraged to approach this interview as an investment in your career rather than thinking about it only as an assignment. For this assignment, you need to download and complete the Week 8: Informational Interview Template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. There are FIVE steps to the Informational Interview. Step 1: Compile a list of individuals in your target career field whom you would like to interview. Try to identify people who are working at a company in which you are interested. This is a good opportunity to practice your networking skills. Let your classmates, friends, family members, and colleagues know that you need to complete an informational interview with someone in your intended career field. You'll be amazed at how effective networking can be. Step 2: Prepare a brief introduction of yourself and the purpose(s) of the informational interview. Prepare a list of open-ended questions that would be appropriate to ask during the informational interview. An Internet search using "informational interview" will provide you with many examples of questions you might want to use. Step 3: Practice your interview with a classmate, friend, family member, or colleague and ask them to critique your performance. Identify ways to improve based on their feedback. Step 4: Set up a day and time for the interview and be sure to confirm. This can be an in person interview, Skype/WebEx or phone interview - whatever works best for the both of you. Record the interviewee's responses to your questions. Step 5: Send a thank-you letter, note, or email to the interviewee within twentyfour hours of completing the interview. And if appropriate, be sure to connect with them via LinkedIn. Note: Complete and submit by Week 8. Informational Interview Assignment Task Required Elements Created and recorded responses to interview questions (3 points each) Reflection was authentic and was fully developed. Total Previous Week 8: Informational Interview Template Stage 4: Advance Once you have selected the person you are going to interview, strategically compose the interview questions similarly to the way you composed your own questions for Week 7. It is a limited amount of time that you are with this person so use your time wisely to gain as much insight as possible. Remember, the individual that you are meeting with could potentially be part of your professional network, if they aren’t already. This could lead to employment opportunities for you or the establishing of a mentoring relationship. Interviewee Information Name of Interviewee and Title Ruchel Ramos, Associate Director Public Affairs and comunity Company NYC Health+Hospitals Contact Information (718) 334-1689 Interview Questions (3 pts each) Question #1: Question #2: Question #3: Question #4: Question #5: Question #6: 1 Week 8: Informational Interview Template Question #7: Question #8: Question #9: Question #10: Reflection (30 points) Summarize your take-aways from the informational interview. What you have learned about the company, the interviewee’s career path, your potential career path, the company culture, skills that you may need but still need to develop, etc.? Take this time to truly reflect on the conversation and share your newly gained insights. 2 As mentioned in the previous weeks, an important step in any activity is the reflection that takes place at the end of it. This is because it allows those involved in the activity the time to analyze whether or not their efforts were successful or not. For this reason, in this final week of CARD405, you are going to be given the opportunity to reflect upon the work you have submitted this session. For this assignment, you need to download and complete the Week 8 SelfEvaluation Template available here (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Don't forget to submit your assignment. The grading rubric is below. Part 1: Explore Reflection The Explore section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. Part 2: Develop Part 1 Reflection The Develop Part 1 section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. Part 3: Develop Part 2 Reflection The Develop Part 2 section was fully completed and a minimum of three to four sentences were used to address the questions. Part 4: Launch Reflection The Launch section was fully completed. Week 8 Self-Evaluation Assessment Template Part 1: Explore Reflect upon Weeks 1 and 2. Self-Assessment and Job Comparison 1. Assess how your self-assessment and job searching abilities link with your 1-, 2-, and 5-year professional goals. 2. Is there anything you would change about these goals now that you fully comprehend the job search process? Part 2: Develop Part 1 Consider your branding activities. Branding Tools 1. In reviewing your elevator speech, what could be different to link it more directly to your brand? 2. How can your LinkedIn page be fully utilized to market your projected image? Week 8 Self-Evaluation Assessment Template Part 3: Develop Part 2 Reflect upon Weeks 4–6. Targeted Materials 1. How does a targeted approach to the development of your resumé and cover and thank you letters pay off in the job search process? 2. What professional items do you still need to develop to fully balance your brand? Part 3: Launch Considering your recorded interview, please rate yourself based on the following categories. Nonverbal Communication Rate yourself on the following: Direct Eye Contact Appropriate Appearance/Attire Upright Posture Friendly Demeanor/Smile Conveyed Self-Confidence Verbal Communication Did you do the following? Avoid saying “Umm,” “like,” “I mean,” “you know” Use proper grammar/avoid slang terms Articulate relevant skills and accomplishments Communicate well-defined career goals Express ideas clearly Convey decision-making ability Emphasize your strong points Excellent Good Needs Improvement N/A
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