Literature review assignment

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Literature review Scenario You are working for a Large High-tech manufacturing multinational company based in USA. You have factories in emerging countries (ECs)-China, India and South Korea. Your products are sold every over the world. Over the years you have also taken over many of electronics companies. You are a new HR manager, and you have been tasked with reviewing the performance management processes with a view to ensuring standardization of quality across the globe. You have also been asked to look at how the company measures and monitors the performance of its Knowledge Workers, such as designers and managers and general workers (different categories of employees), and report back to the management at headquarters. Literature review structure: Subject: (performance management) Introduction to chapter (one paragraph) Definition and explanation of key terms—define and critically analyses using key definitions from academics and practitioners Historical evolution of the key terms—brief history of how this concept evolved in management Key theories/models related to key terms—pick up few articles in your area and find out which theory/model is repeating Empirical evidence—studies conducted in different context in your area Summary of literature review (briefly- one paragraph) References should be in Harvard system
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