Digital Communications Principles Using MATLAB/Simulink

timer Asked: Dec 26th, 2018

Question Description

This assignment seeks to fulfill the unit’s learning outcomes b-e stated on Page 1 of this document and found in the unit description

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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Unit Code ME502 Unit Title Digital Communications Assessment Type Individual Assessment Assessment Title Analyzing Digital Communications Principles & Systems Both Manually and Using MATLAB/Simulink Purpose of the ULO b: Apply and evaluate the principles used in the generation, transmission and assessment reception of digitally modulated signals. (Unit’s Learning ULO c: Report on the characteristics of sampling and analogue to digital conversion Outcomes and source coding. covered, ULO) ULO f: Apply the techniques of, and report on, digital communication applications using Matlab and hardware devices. Weight 10% Total Marks 60 Word limit 1400 Due Date Week 7, Tuesday, 2nd January 2019, 11:55 pm Submission • Guidelines All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Sheet. • The report will be automatically checked by Turnitin embedded on Moodle. By submitting on MOODLE you agree that the work is yours unless properly cited. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style. • For assignments 1 to 5 days late, a penalty of 10% (of total available marks) per day. • Extension For assignments more than 5 days late, a penalty of 100% will apply. If an extension of time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be submitted directly to the School's Administration Officer, in T3 2018: ME502 Assignment 1 Melbourne on Level 6. You must submit this application three working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is available at: Academic Misconduct  Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and procedure available at: For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity Section in your Unit Description. Marking Criteria The following shall be used to grade your submissions. Content Knowledge 60% Ability to Communicate 20% Academic Basic Language Discourse Skills Skills 10% 10% 5 Student demonstrates outstanding understanding and content knowledge beyond the scope required by the assignment task. The Lecturer understands the content completely; if there are any mistakes they do not interfere with the meaning. There is a clear logical argument, with the points well ordered and fully supported. It responds appropriately to the question asked. Pleasingly broad range of sentence structure and vocabulary is used. Digital communications terminology is used correctly. 4 Student demonstrates sound basic knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject matter. Lecturer understands the content, although some sections need to be read more than once. The answer responds more or less to the question asked. The use of supporting evidence, illustration and argument is relevant but not There is a good range of sentence structure and terminology with a number of minor errors in word formation or spelling. T3 2018: ME502 Assignment 1 necessarily sufficient. 3 Student exhibits adequate basic knowledge of the topic area. Lecturer mostly understands the content, despite occasional difficulty. A point of view is presented, but it is not always clear. Attempts to include supporting evidence, illustration or argument are made. While there are noticeable language errors, these do not significantly interfere with the lecturer understanding the content. 2 The student’s apparent knowledge and understanding of relevant content is limited. Lecturer has difficulty understanding the content, although there are signs of meaning breaking through. The argument does not progress smoothly. Main points and supporting material are not clearly distinguished from each other. The range of steps expressed correctly is limited. Errors in terminology, grammar, word choice, word formation and spelling cause difficulty for the marker. 1 Student shows little evidence of knowing the relevant content. The marker can hardly understand the content of the submitted report. The ideas or facts presented have little apparent relation to each other or to the question asked. Errors in sentence structure, terminology, word choice, word forms and spelling predominate and prevent communication. 0 1. The answer is copied or substantially copied from materials or other sources (plagiarism). 2. No relevant attempt has been made by student to solve the questions. T3 2018: ME502 Assignment 1 Objectives of the assignment: This assignment seeks to fulfill the unit’s learning outcomes b-e stated on Page 1 of this document and found in the unit description. The assignment Question 1: Digital Baseband Data Generation and Transmission We seek to transmit the message ME502 Unit using baseband digital M-ary PAM signaling, where M=16. As the transmission system is not ideal, we need to protect the bits using just a single-bit odd parity encoding for error detection. The process is that we convert each of the characters in the message into its equivalent 8-bit ASCII code, then partition the bitstream into log2(16)-bit segments streams (called symbols), then use each symbol to modulate a pulse to form the M-PAM signal prior to transmission. (a) Encode the message into a series of bits using 8-bit ASCII encoding (including the oddparity bit). Counting from the left side, the eighth bit in each character is the parity coding bit. (b) How many bits in total are in the message? (c) Divide the bit string into m= log2(16)-bit segments. Each of the m-bit segment is a symbol of 16-PAM. How many symbols do you get altogether? (d) Evaluate the gross bit rate (Rb) and symbol rate (RS) of the 16-PAM system if we transmit the entire error-protected message in 8 microseconds. (e) Determine the effective bit rate (Rb) and symbol rate (RS) of the 16-PAM system if we transmit the entire error-protected message in 8 microseconds (f) Draw the signal constellation diagram of the M-PAM system, using d as a parameter. Question 2: ISI and Design of Equalizers Combating inter-symbol interference (ISI) is one of the challenges in digital communications systems. Assume that the impulse response of the transmission medium between the transmitter and the receiver is p(t). The sampled impulse response is p[n], where n=t/T and T is the sampling period (or symbol duration). Then, ISI-free transmission require that T3 2018: ME502 Assignment 1  1, t  0 pt    t    ,  t  where is referred to as dirac impulse function. In practical 0, otherwise situations the transmission medium is not ISI-free. This is the reason why we need equalizing filters. Assume that the sampled impulse response of the channel is pn   n  0.2 n  1  0.5 n  2 (a) Derive the expression for the transfer function of the 3-tap linear equalizer which forces the ISI caused by this transmission medium to zero. (b) Derive the expression for the impulse response of the 3-tap ZF-LE designed in Part (a). (c) Verify that the ZF-LE that you have designed in Parts (a) and (b) actually mitigates the ISI in the channel. (d) Does the ZF-LE cancel the entire ISI in the system? If not, how can you improve the ability of the ZF-LE to suppress the ISI? Question 3: Digitization of signals Consider the analog signal st   5 sin500t   5  cos200t   4 to be transferred over a digital communications system. (a) Compute the maximum allowable sampling period that the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) must use to ensure the perfect reconstruction of the signal at the receiver. (b) What theorem governs the choice made in part (a)? (c) How many samples of the analog signal do we need to store in order to reproduce 10 seconds of it (i.e., the analog signal)? (d) Use MATLAB code to verify whether or not the samples collected can be used to uniquely reproduce the analog signal. The End T3 2018: ME502 Assignment 1
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