Business problem that requires Data mining

timer Asked: Feb 1st, 2019

Question Description


Write a 3-4 page APA formatted paper on a business problem that requires data mining, why the problem is interesting, the general approach you plan to take, what kind of data you plan to use, and finally how you plan to get the data. You should describe your problem, approach, dataset, data analysis, evaluation, discussion, references, and so on, in sufficient details, and you need to show supporting evidence in tables and/or figures. You need to provide captions for all tables and figures.

Your paper should include an abstract and a conclusion and a reference page with 3-5 references.


Submission of paper topic and preliminary references due February 11, 2018 @ 11:59 PM EST. Submission of final paper due on April 22, 2018 @ 11:59 PM EST (NOTE: Late papers (up to 24 hours late) will receive a 50% penalty. Papers not turned in within 24 hours of the due date will receive a grade of ZERO!

All written reports should be submitted in PDF format

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