Provide a hypothetical case study

timer Asked: Oct 3rd, 2013

Question Description


Provide a hypothetical case study example of a client for which you will conduct a functional behavioral assessment. Describe the clients’ age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, disability, work/home life/environment, preferences, presenting problem, target behavior(s), available data, etc.). Discuss the importance of including a thorough description of the target behavior in observable and measurable terms, along with relevant environmental factors, medical data, client preferences, motivating operations, cultural factors, etc. when conducting an ethical and complete client assessment. Conclude with the selection of at least one direct and one indirect method of assessment based on your preliminary assessment of the client, and provide a rationale or justification for each method which you select.

 Provide a brief description of at least one test of non-verbal intelligence (make sure it is unique and has not yet been mentioned by your peers), as well as one test to assess a client who has limited cognitive ability, but is verbal (again, be sure it is unique and not yet mentioned by your peers). What are the reliability and validity ratings of these tests, and why are this important statistics to explore when considering the best test to use?

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