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    If you like to help others and are a knowledgeable person, have a service you provide, or are looking for a job, likeplum is perfect for you.


    likeplumWhy answer questions at likeplum

    Our platform is the most rewarding place online to share your knowledge and services. At likeplum our focus is not only to connect you with people who will pay for your help but also to help you establish long term connections with clients. We will help you create and expand a network of clients suited to your skills so that you can maximize your revinue.

    likeplumHow does it work?

    Users pay you money through "pledges" for providing them with answers to their questions. A pledge is an amount of money a user says they will pay for a good answer to their question. Their are two types of questions.

    likeplumSmall Questions: For question with a pledge of under 10$, anyone will be allowed to answer them and the asker          gets to choose the best answer to pay their pledge to. How am I protected from asnwers that don't pay?

    likeplumMilestone Questions: For questions with a pledge of over 10$, you'll need to request a milestone. If your          milestone is accepeted you'll be given exclusive right to answer the question in addition to recieiving a guarinted          50% down payment by the asker for a good answer. Why should I pay for answer

    likeplumHow does likepum pay me?

    likeplum is built for users all around the world. You can withdraw your money from likeplum via check or Paypal and recieve payment no matter which country you are from. Learn more


    What is likeplum looking for?

    Knowledge: Use your knowledge to help others.

    Services: Provide your service to the online world.

    Skills: Use your skills(Art, Science, Law, Health, Programming…etc.)

    Jobs: Find a job at likeplum. Making money by freelancing. 


    Who can answer questions?

    Individuals:Using your knowledge to help others out and making money. Now, making money and getting rewards can be the same thing.

    Groups:Knowledge is valuable, by answering questions, your are providing a service.

    Companies Using your specific skills(Art, Science, Law, Health, Programming…etc.) to help askers out.



    likeplumAccount Transfer

    We realize that many of you have spent lots of time answering questions and providing services across the web. We don't want you to start from scratch at likeplum. That is why we created our transfer system. Through this system you can immediately enjoy that benefits of your past work. View here

    Sign up Get Started Now!
    Start answer questions at likeplum.

    likeplumHow much money can I make?

    How much money you make depends on your exeperience in "real-life" and your network on likeplum. likeplum is simply a platform which connects you to people that would pay for your help/services. Users can make many any where for from 1$ to 1,000,000 + $ depending on their experience, reputation, and rank.

    "Through likeplum I have been able to quit my day job and work from home. I have been given so many oppurtunities and connections to apply my programming skills too".
    “likeplum is the best. It has allowed me to make a living from my photoship and writing expertise! It is so refreshing to work somewhere, where your pay-check it truely determend by your knowledge".

    Gold Member - likeplum