12 Rules for Life
Jordan Peterson
Contributed by Nina Calhoun
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Chapter 2

The understanding of chaos and order is the foundation of this chapter. Using the biblical story of Adam and Eve, Peterson describes man's tendency to indulge in self-destructing and self-shaming behaviors. When people choose to take care of others, they have a selfless desire which often exceeds the society’s expected norms . Peterson associates this with action with an appetite for self-destruction.  Some people are always biting off more than they can chew, weighing themselves down with an excessive burden. He says that "No matter who we are, Kalahari Desert-dweller or Wall Street banker, some things are under our control, and some things are not.” Feeling obligated to fix or tend to things that are not in an individual’s control can ultimately lead one down a path of destruction. It is important for individuals to take a step back from certain situations rather than taking on immense burdens. Peterson suggests that "If I am someone's friend, family member, or lover, then I am morally obliged to bargain as hard on my behalf as they are on theirs.”   Peterson’s argument is valid in wanting to fight battles of those who you care for, but he fails to mention the importance of continuing to take care of yourself while doing so.


Moreover, people are excellent at filling and offering prescriptions to pets than to themselves. Some families take care of their pets in a better manner than they take care of themselves. For example, they may be more concerned with the living conditions of the cats instead of paying attention to their own hygiene. The antithetical nature of the human condition extends to our priorities. Some individuals have a tendency to be more concerned with the flaws of others, but fail to recognize their own flaws. It is a tragedy of such a monumental proportion when individuals lack self-awareness as it can affect their relationships and experience of the world in a less meaningful or detrimental way. The best and most practical solution to avoiding this is to have the individual adopt the ability of self-reflection, which could also lead to a better self-understanding.

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