George Orwell
Contributed by Roseanne Meinecke
Part 2 Chapters 8-10

Winston and Julia, having arrived using different routes, arrive at O'Brien's house. Winston is apprehensive to have even entered the rich, neighborhood that the Inner Party individuals live in, where he is entranced by scents of different foods and tobacco. O'Brien's servant, Martin, is dark-haired, has a diamond-like face, which Winston feels to be Chinese, and wears a crisp white coat. Martin takes Winston and Julia to O'Brien. O'Brien's home is luxurious, with thick blue carpet and clean, cream-shaded walls. Before welcoming his guests, O'Brien finishes a short piece of business. Winston thinks about whether he is welcome, and whether he ought to have come. He has no confirmation that O'Brien is a member of the Brotherhood. He is acting just on looks and brief discussions. After discussing revolution with O’Brien and swearing against the party, Winston is given ‘The Book’; Emmanuel Goldsteins heretical, and banned works.

Oceania is governed under the belief system of Ingsoc, Eurasia under Neo-Bolshevism, and Eastasia under what can be deciphered as either "Death-worship" or "Obliteration of the Self." All nations host an Inner Party, a Party, a prole structure, and a worship figure, semi-divine leaders. Goldstein states, "When war becomes literally continuous, it also ceases to be dangerous...technical progress can cease, and the most palpable facts can be denied or disregarded." The general population have no chance to find relief knowing the original condition of the world and must depend totally upon the Party. Instead of being a war between different ideologies or factions, war is waged to maintain loyalty to the party.


At long last, Winston and Julia meet O'Brien in his home to examine rebellion against the Party. These urgent meetings place Winston and Julia - in their minds, relentlessly on the path towards rebellion, yet truly just sends them towards their capture and consequent torture. Winston's confirmation of his scorn for the Party and desire to join an underground association rejecting it seals his inevitable destruction, yet liberates his soul. Winston trusts that he has finally discovered the rebel Party group he has looked for in the duration of his life. Throughout the meeting, both Winston and Julia are in wonder of O'Brien's status as a member of the Inner Party and devotion to the Party's obliteration. In demonstrating extraordinary confidence, information and power, O'Brien is additionally established as a man of awesome intelligence and knowledge. Winston references his fantasy when he shares a toast with O'Brien, saying they will meet "in the place where there is no darkness." Before leaving, Winston asks for the ending lyrics to the St Clements poem that has captivated him for so long. O’Briens willingness to finish the poem seems to solidify Winston’s faith in O’Briens’s like-mindedness to the cause. However, after returning to the apartment and reading Goldsteins book, Winston and Julia are startled by a voice from behind the treasured picture of the church. A hidden telescreen had been monitoring them and moments later both Winston and Julia are arrested.

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