50 Shades of Grey
E. L. James
Contributed by Margherita Wickersham
Chapter 3

Ana calls Kate to inform her of the encounter with Grey. Kate thinks that Grey came to Clayton’s to see Ana. On her side, Ana wishes that it were true but she knows he came around for business. They talk about the photo shoot and Kate is thrilled. They also weigh their options regarding a photographer since their usual person is out of town. José remains as the only option they have, and Kate wants Ana to talk to both Grey and José about the photo shoot session.

They make the proper arrangements and Grey meets them at the Heathman Hotel where he is currently residing. After the photo shoot, Grey asks Ana if she may join him for coffee. The idea puzzles her and she tries to decline by claiming that she has to drive her team back to the campus. However, Grey immediately resolves the issue by asking his driver to take them back. Despite Kate’s worries and mistrust for Grey, Ana accepts the offer and they head to a coffee shop together. Grey holds Ana’s hand as they walk together, and this arouses mixed feeling in Ana’s body.

 At the coffeehouse, Ana takes the English breakfast tea since it is her favorite, and she prefers it to coffee. On the other hand, Grey takes coffee and a blueberry muffin. Their conversation seems to lean on Grey wanting to know more about Ana. She offers truthful answers to his questions, but she still manages to withhold some of the details about her. She also tries to ask about his family but he seems not fully willing to respond comprehensively. Ana remembers that she has to study for her final exams and tells Grey about it. They walk back to the parking lot and Ana almost falls again. However, this time Grey holds her and for the first time in her twenty-one years, she feels like welcoming a kiss.


 The author uses this chapter to reinforce the mutual feeling of attraction portrayed by Ana and Grey. She also tries to confirm to Ana that her feelings are real, and others can see them too. For instance, as she is calling Grey to arrange for the photo shoot, Kate observes Ana’s reaction and affirms that she likes him. She claims that she has never seen Ana act like that ever before. The photo shoot session also tells the reader more about Ana. As expected, she stands back and admires Grey now from a closer position and their eyes lock twice.

Asking Ana to go for coffee is a way of Grey revealing his attraction to her. This moment gives them a chance to learn more about each other, as Grey seeks to know Ana at a personal level. In addition, their attraction continues to gain more flare, especially on Ana’s part. The moment she feels ready for the kiss shows that she accepts her feelings for Grey, and it shows her readiness to act upon them.

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