A Higher Loyalty
James Comey
Contributed by Jack Shields
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Chapter 1

Comey started his illustrious career in the United State Department of Justice as a US Attorney in New York. Comey’s service in New York provided him with challenges that helped mold his character and create in him a solid foundation of integrity and fortitude . Comey’s interaction with some of the most sought out criminals tested his reliance and ability to withstand the pressure that accompany America’s public service. At the time, criminal activities were at their Pinnacle and the law enforcement agencies were under serious strain to perform. Comey gladly embraced the challenges that his career presented. He says, “My early career as a prosecutor, especially my role in confronting the Mafia, reinforced my belief that I’d made the right career choice.” While studying law might not have been the ideal career choice for Comey, the realization that this position could allow him to serve the oppressed members of his society motivated him to settle for a degree in law. Comey evidently treats his job as a calling, an opportunity that allowed him to fulfill the desires of his heart; the desire to see a society that treats all humans equal, regardless of status, socio-economic standing, race or political inclination.


The foundation of Comey’s career is anchored on the premise of justice for all. Comey’s stint in New York provided an opportunity to test his resilience and the unwavering commitment to social justice, a commitment that had been forced on him by bullies who pulled all strings to make his life uncomfortable during his early school days. Comey recalls a, “a life-altering experience I had when I was sixteen years old, with a gun literally pointed to my head, made that choice inevitable.”

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