A Higher Loyalty
James Comey
Contributed by Jack Shields
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Chapter 11

 The Clinton email scandal was not the only problem that Clinton was up against. After a careful investigation into the matter, Comey and his team revealed that there were three routes that the Russian were intending to interfere with the American democratic systems. Due to the bureaucratic issues and international politics considerations, The Obama administration was slow in responding to the allegations. That forced Comey to do a newspaper article with the title, ‘voice of inoculation' in his name. The publishing of this article was intended to inform the nations about the dangers that faced the country if they failed to deal firmly with the threats from the Russians.


The extent to which Comey went to reveal the truth about the Russian involvement in the American electoral processes. When Comey realized that there were confusions all around the country, he went the extra mile and published an article in his name, and in that article, he narrated all the threats that the Russians presented to Americans. The professionalism with which Comey handled the investigations on the involvement of the Russians was amazing.  He did everything to make sure that he made the country aware of the nature of the threats that the county faced. Once again, in the face of deep-seated political interests, Comey was strong enough to stand on the side of truth and justice.

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