A Higher Loyalty
James Comey
Contributed by Jack Shields
Chapter 2

Being in a position of leadership is prestigious in many societies and many people want to ascend to these positions. However, not all people understand the essence of leadership. Leadership presents an opportunity to serve, yet some view it as platform to exercise power and control over other people. As Comey matured in the systems, he was under the tutelage of the boisterous and bellicose Rudy Giuliani, a man who attracted admiration and disdain in equal measure. His abrasive style of leadership in New York where he served as Comey’s boss made him enemy number one in the courtrooms. Comey says, "Though Giuliani's confidence was exciting, it fed an imperial style that severely narrowed the circle of people with whom he interacted, and something I didn't realize was dangerous until much later." However, Rudy’s ability to get things done, by hook or crook, made him a celebrity among some other quarters. If anything, results matter in this country. Apparently, there is a mixed feeling from Comey. While he shows enthusiasm with Rudy’s ability to get the results, he seems to abhor his methods. Comey is torn between the Machiavellian-leaning ‘the end justifies the means’ and the idealist-leaning ‘the means must be as good as the end’.


 Working under Giuliani brought the attention of Comey to the dire need for leadership in the service. Organizational leaders need to understand their staff members and seek the most appropriate way to deal with them. Giuliani did not receive full support from the people who worked with him because he was overbearing. These events helped to help Comey grow both as a leader and as a person and the skills that he gained would help to propel him to greater heights of responsibility in the justice system.

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