A Higher Loyalty
James Comey
Contributed by Jack Shields
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Chapter 3

Comey’s imposing physical attributes made him a unique figure in the country’s criminal justice system. At six foot eight, Comey was a towering figure, a symbol of authority and respect. However, the situation was not the same when Comey was young. At his elementary school days, Comey was fat and as a consequence was subjected to untold ridicule, abuse and mockery among his peers. In more than one instance, Comey was provoked to a fight but his outstanding wits helped him to evade these instances. He says that, “The bullies regularly invited their victims to fistfights staged after school in a nearby park. I was called out numerous times but never showed up, walking well out of my way to avoid the park.” He tried himself with football but ended in devastating failure, an eventuality that he attributes to the ridicule from his peers. There is not an iota of doubt left that Comey’s tribulations in the hands of his peers at that tender age prepared him for his future leadership roles. Most importantly, Comey learned to think of the best ways to extricate himself out of some of the most devastating periods in his life.


A plethora factors shape the character of a leader. In the case of Comey, his experience in the hands of bullies when he was young allowed him to be a critical and patient leader. In the course of going about his responsibilities, Comey would listen to many sides of a story and take his time before making decisions. His past had taught him that there is always another side to a story and that calls for the careful analysis of all situations before making decisions. The bullies served as a stepping stone that Comey used to ascend to higher levels of leadership in the country.

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