A Higher Loyalty
James Comey
Contributed by Jack Shields
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Chapter 9

There is no doubt that America is a highly complex society. The cultural diversity, the racial integration and political tolerance have been the bedrock of this great nation. That is not to say America does not have flaws. Comey says that America is ‘a society soaked in the flammable liquid of discrimination and mistreatment." Reporting on the events at the Fergusson shooting, Comey says that the law enforcement agencies had formed a pattern of discriminating against the blacks in all aspect of their lives. However, this is not the kind of society that Comey wanted. He appreciated that in his position, there are two things that he could do to fight this problem and ensure equality in the society. Speaking frankly on this discriminatory conduct from the law enforcement, Comey says that the law enforcement institutions contribute massively to the problem. The law enforcement agencies need to acknowledge the truth that they have long been the enforcers of a status quo in America that abused black people. That calls for the need of the agencies to acknowledge the history of the country because the people that they serve and protect cannot forget it.


The American criminal justice system faces many problems. Some of the challenges are deeply entrenched in the American culture, and that is a source of complication for the law enforcement agencies. Most importantly, Comey appreciates that racial discrimination is a creation of the culture of Americas as well as the organizations that they have in place. Just as the title suggests, honestly in leadership is a virtue that all leaders must possess. In this case, Comey was honest to admit that the law enforcement agencies were part of the racial problem that America faces today.

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