Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll
Contributed by Sharon Fleming
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Lewis Carroll
Year Published
Perspective and Narrator
Alice in Wonderland brings the reader through a third-person point of view through the use of an accompanying narrator. The narrator’s perspective is also limited and the point of this limitation is to give the story the proper context in terms of its confusion, mystery, and madness as Alice navigates through the bizarre Wonderland.
Alice in Wonderland recounts Alice’s adventures in past tense.
About the Title
The narrative of Alice in Wonderland is highly metaphorical and deals with a number of existential concepts as Alice attempts to make sense of a reality that seems to violate most norms and conventions. Many critics point to prominent events in the story, such as when Alice consumes different foods in Wonderland that cause her to grow and shrink, citing these events as part of the fantastical and alien atmosphere embodied by the environment of Wonderland in addition to its inhabitants.
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