Animal Farm
George Orwell
Contributed by Sharon Fleming
Chapter 10

As the years pass, the Animal Farm undergoes a lot of changes. Many animals such as Muriel, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher have died. Jones too has died in a far-away land. Clover is 14 years old but has not retired as per the regulations. The number of animals on the farm is also increasing rapidly. Besides, the authority has acquired additional parcels of land from Pilkington, thereby increasing the size of the farm. Through the hard work of the pigs, the farm has constructed a second windmill for milling corn. However, the food is still little, and the animals are suffering, except the pigs.

On a certain evening, Clover, from a distance sees Squealer walking its hind legs. In a little while, the other pigs adopt this ‘fashionable' walking style. At the same time, Napoleon emerges from the farmhouse with a whip in his trotter. Four legs good, two legs better!" the sheep start bleating this old version of their slogan. Clover realizes that there is a new painting on the wall. There are variations of the seven commandments. The statement says that "ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL / BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS."

In the final episode of the novel, Napoleon has received a delegation from neighboring farms. Having toured the farm and felt satisfied with the operations, Mr. Pilkington offers a toast in appreciation of the manner in which the farm is being managed.  Seemingly excited with the praises, Napoleon delivers a speech that outlines the new policies in the farm. Napoleon has done away with the Sunday meetings as well as outlawing the use of the term ‘comrade.' However, of all the policy changes that Napoleon has made, the most outstanding one is the decision to revert to the original name of Manor Farm. Barely Napoleon finished his speech when the men and the pigs started playing a game of cards. However, a quarrel erupts between Napoleon and Pilkington when both of them try to play the ace of spades. As the other animals watch the chaotic scene, they fail to decipher between the humans and the pigs.


The more things change, the more they remain the same. That, perhaps, could be the best way to describe the events at Manor Farm. Initially, the farm was called Manor Farm. However, after the rebellion, the name of the farm changes to Animal Farm. At the end of the story, Napoleon renames the farm to Manor Farm. That was an unexpected turn of events that surprised even the pigs. The pigs have come to resemble their oppressors in such a manner that it is difficult for the animals to distinguish between them.

When the second windmill becomes complete, it satisfies the desires of Snowball to have a utopian society where there is an interaction between the animals and the humans. By all standards, the Animal Farm is now tied to the humans concerning economic ties as well as the shared atmosphere. It is evident that Orwell has allowed a lot of years to pass between the 9th and the 10th chapters. However, thought this time, the animals have demonstrated an incredible lack of memory since they fail to connect their present situation with the past. They have allowed the pigs to continue ruling them unjustly and ruthlessly without complaining. The animals are ignorant since "they had nothing to go upon except Squealer's lists of figures, which invariably demonstrated that everything was getting better and better."

The sight of Squealer walking on two legs has come as a huge surprise top, Clover. However, to the reader, the situation is not a surprise. The previous actions of the pigs indicate that the situation would eventually come to this level. Napoleon appears wearing Mr. Jones' clothes, and with a whip in the trotter, there is no more doubt regarding the new direction of the farm. Besides, Napoleon's new philosophy is recorded in the new laws, and that is sufficient for the animals to know that things have changed drastically and they have gone back to the pre-revolution periods.

In his address, Napoleon makes an address in which he makes policies that he would use to make the Animal; Farm a total dictatorial regime. When he denounces the use of the term ‘comrade,' Napoleon is weakening the bond among the animals hence making them easy to dominate. He fears the strong bond between the animals may lead to conspiracies against him. The occasion of burying the head of Old Major symbolizes the burial of any ideas that were associated with him. Finally, the interaction and argument between Napoleon and Pilkington is an indication that the Animal Farm/ Manor Farm had reverted to the periods when the humans brutally exercised their authority over the animals.

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