Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping by and Get Your Financial Life Together
Erin Lowry
Contributed by Tennie Sauls
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Authors Biography

Erin Lowry has a passion for finance, a passion which was ignited early on in life because of her parents and the money lessons they taught her. As children, both her and her sister had to pay a ’’candy tax’’ to their dad after every Halloween since he was their chaperone, and he taught them he was entitled to compensation. When Lowry was seven, she learned a valuable economics lesson thanks to her dad and the sale of several dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. That experience and the lesson stayed with her and shaped her as a person.

Her goal is to help millennials get their finances in order, and she uses a variety of means to do so - books, presentations, courses, and worksheets. She’s a woman on a mission who doesn’t believe in scolding or preaching as an effective teaching approach. Instead she offers practical advice that steers millennials through the confusing maze that is finance. Any question one might have, she tries to help find an answer for it.

Lowry has written for Cosmopolitan Magazine, Fast Company, and Refinery29 and regularly goes on to speak at a variety of universities and conferences all over the US. She has made many media appearances to discuss her books and features on CBS Sunday Morning, CNBC, and Fox & Friends.

She’s led an exciting life, spending most of her childhood living in Asia before settling in New York, USA, with her husband.

Book Context

This is the first book of Lowry’s Broke Millennial’s two-book series, which aims to turn young people from being flat-broke into financial badasses. It’s called Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together, and it was published in 2017. The tagline of the book is ’Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck and Get Your Financial Life Together (#GYFLT)!’ It perfectly encompasses the author’s desire - to help you help yourself with how you handle your money. The book is aimed at 20 or 30-something-year-olds - cash strapped millennials and young people who get anxious about managing their money.Lowry wants to help break the cycle of surviving paycheck to paycheck, and start saving money. She wants to help millennials get a better grasp of finance and provides a useful guide for doing so, by offering real-life advice, presented refreshingly and straightforwardly, unburdened by fanciness. Between the helpful information given, she also shares stories from her life to make the material more easily digestible. For a financially-clueless millennial, this book is a roadmap helping navigate the complexities of money and finance.

What makes this book stand out from other financial guides, is it doesn’t only talk about the mundane, boring jargon but expands to cover a variety of topics. Yes, it talks about budgeting, investments, and dealing with debt. But it also includes a range of different scenarios and what to do if people should find themselves stuck in one. The book also offers a helping hand into understanding their relationship with money - do they see it as something transient or something long-lasting?
Lowry’s book was well-received and even picked to be a part of the Washington Post "Color of Money" Book Club.

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