Crippled America
Donald J Trump
Contributed by Nina Calhoun
Chapter Summaries
Chapter Summaries Table
Chapter Summary
Chapter 1
In this chapter, the author introduces the various ‘undesired’ positions and characteristics that the US was exhibiting at that moment--Which mome...
Chapter 2
This chapter begins by describing how Trump has been a man that the media has hated for long time. It is in line with the theme of “interaction with...
Chapter 3
In this Chapter, Trump aims to prove why he a strict immigration policy would be positive for America. He describes the negative implications of allow...
Chapter 4
Here, Trump aims at detailing his beliefs about foreign policy and responds to assertions that lacks experience in this arena. He agrees with the idea...
Chapter 5
In Chapter Five, Trump acknowledges the importance of education in an effort to build America. Trump points out that although his father did not gradu...
Chapter 6
Chapter Six introduces a hot discussion revolving around the concept of climate change and the use of fossil fuel for energy. Trump underscores that w...
Chapter 7
In this chapter, the author talks about his experience with negotiating for and providing workers with good healthcare cover. He states that he has wi...
Chapter 8
This chapter focuses on what Trump regards to be the critical leadership role that a president plays for the country’s economy.s. The economy is vit...
Chapter 9
Chapter nine highlights how Trump regards himself as a nice person. He explains that his behavior is different from that of “normal” politicians a...
Chapter 10
In this chapter, Trump talks about how fortunate he is to be American. He stresses how fortunate American citizen are to have so many opportunities an...
Chapter 11
In this chapter, Trump offers a firm position regarding the right to bear arms. He quotes the Second Amendment which gives people the right to possess...
Chapter 12
Chapter Twelve expresses the author’s views on the development of the US infrastructure and describes it as in a ‘crumbling’ state. According to...
Chapter 13
In Chapter Thirteen, the author seeks to cement the importance of individuals who uphold the right societal values by emphasizing the idea that being ...
Chapter 14
Chapter Fourteen talks about a new approach which the author suggests should be adopted in the White house. Trump mentions that there is the need to a...
Chapter 15
In Chapter Fifteen, Trump notes of the surprises that he gave the media in most of his media appearances. According to the author, most people within ...
Chapter 16
In this chapter, the author introduces the idea suggesting that every individual in the US regards the ten existing tax system in the country was not ...
Chapter 17
Chapter Seventeen talks about the possibility of making America great again. Trump provides instances of where he had to face some challenges to attai...
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