Crippled America
Donald J Trump
Contributed by Nina Calhoun
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Chapter 11

In this chapter, Trump offers a firm position regarding the right to bear arms. He quotes the Second Amendment which gives people the right to possess firearms and supports this right completely without any reservations (Trump 96). He states that the fact that the Founding Fathers of the US made the Amendment to be second only to that of the right to speech means that they understood the vital role that guns play in the lives of people. Trump indicates that all people must ensure their safety and that of their families (Trump 102). Thus, taking firearms from them is only likely to worsen the situation and prevent Americans from attaining the best quality of life.


At the time the book was written, personal security had always been a sensitive issue in the American society. It was an issue which could be traced back to history, and also many US citizens wanted to have it reconsidered. There always existed a major parallel between the adherence to the provisions of the Second Amendment and ensuring the level of safety of people within the American society. While Trump is open about his support for the right to bear arms, the chapter brings out the need for more discussions to be made around the area. It is through the process that sound solutions would be established about improving upon the safety levels of people and as well, to ensure that their right to bear arms is not contravened.

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