Crippled America
Donald J Trump
Contributed by Nina Calhoun
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Review by Leif Denti

In the Goodreads Reviews, Leif Denti does not mince his words and states that the book is a big joke. Denti asserts that throughout the book, Trump is keen on statingall his major achievements, as have been detailed in the Appendices section (Denti np). Thus, they indicate someone who is narcissistic and only keen on showing others how successful he is. In the rest of the book, Trump only laments how bad things have gotten in the US. He does not appear to provide any solid solution to the problems he mentions, only stating that he can do things better.

Denti also details that the few ideas that Trump provide are ones that lack the necessary rationale or sound analysis of how the different aspects that he talks about can be attained (Denti np). The fact that Trump is a successful businessman appears to give him the ability to identify problems and develop sound solutions against them. Thus, Denti wonders why Trump would have thought of constructing a wall between the US and Mexico as the best solution towards the illegal immigration problem that faces the country. Dentil also pokes holes in the ideas posted by Trump of other developed countries such as Germany and Poland to pay the US money for military protection. According to Denti, the idea is ill-informed and less likely to work out in the real-life setting. It is also likely to harm the good relationship that the US normally enjoys with its allies.

The views provided by Denti appear to be well-constructed and a proper conveyance of the perception that Trump projects in the book. As demonstrated inthebook, Trump seems to show the audience that he is the right person for the job at “Making America Great,” an aspect which is clear in Denti’s review. However, he seems to be more tied to showing people the successes that he has had in different engagements to the point that he comes off as less inspiring and more of a boast. Many people in the US, including the middle class, are interested in leaders who appear to be out to serve their interests and not just to show them how good they are and how rich they are (Denti np). While Trump might have had done a good job at indicating some of the areas that need to be fixed in the US, he does very little to illustrate how the action can be carried out clearly. He also fails to acknowledge the efforts that have been made by previous people within the leadership of the country such as Former President Obama.

Review by Maria Gad

In the review, Maria Gad talks about the start of the book in which Trump wishes to project to the reader that the US needs someone who has a good track record. It is such a person who bears the ability to remove people from the challenges they currently experience in America and bound to make them feel proud of belonging to the country. Thus, Trump goes on to mention himself as being the most appropriate person for the job (Gad np).Gad depicts Trump as being self-centered, who is interested in gaining from painting other people as bad. She mentions that Trump moves from chapter to chapter continuously showing the reader the different successes that he has attained over the years. According to her, Trump attempts to do it to disguise as showing his impeccable good record. In the actual sense, he only wishes to show other people that he is more qualified than them and holds the keys to pushing the US to the position that he wishes it to be.

Gad also mentions that in the book, Trump is less coherent, even though he has grouped various subjects into chapters. Thus, he happens to jump from one idea to another, then going back to the former (Gad np). The reader, therefore, finds it challenging to follow through the thought process of Trump and can, therefore, not determine the specific message that he wishes to portray to the reader.

The ideas provided by Gad concerning Trump’s book  present a clear conceptualization of information presented by the author, owing to the high level of attachment that the author has towards himself and the various achievements that he happens to have attained. Thus, they indicate that he is less tied towards meeting the problems that people in America experience from time to time. Most notably, he is only interested in projecting an image that would make other people love him and show disdain to others. The fact that he does not seem to hold any positive views for almost everyone outside his family shows the kind of negative orientation that he may have towards others (Gad np). He only believes that only himself can engage in an activity and achieve the kind of successes that he has earned over the years. Thus, he fails to provide a concrete reason why he is different from the other politicians whom he terms as being negative energy towards the development of the US. It also shows that he does not seem to have a greatera genda about serving the people, more than clinching the presidency as a form of yet another achievement.

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