How to Win Friends and Influence People
Dale Carnegie
Contributed by Jack Shields
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In 12 lessons from 'How to Win Friends & Influence People' — a book Warren Buffett credits with transforming his life.  Richard Feloni (2017) describes the contribution of this book to the success of one of the most successful businessmen in the world; Warren Buffet. In the article, Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett appreciates that this book made major transformations to his life, especially on the aspects of how a superior needs to handle the individual below him. Today, Warren Buffet is one of the richest people in the world, and Carnegie's work massively contributed to this factor. 

In 10 Ways To Make People Like You, From 'How To Make Friends And Influence People'  Bridges (2018) has borrowed massively from Carnegie's work to describe some of how individuals can influence other people to be like them. Borrowing from Carnegie's work, the author says that building of networks and making friends are the fundamental pillars of success of modern businesses. According to the paper, there is evidence that the work that Carnegie did in the last century is still impacting the lives of people in the modern generations. Any successful business person needs to master the skills that Carnegie has espoused in this book so that they may realize the full potential of their organizations. 

In an article titled, Dale Carnegie's 30 Principles To Win Friends & Influence People, Keller (2017) says that modern leadership systems stem from the writing of Carnegie. In contemporary leadership schools, here is a significant application of the principles of Carnegie in the development of the syllabus as well as the teaching of learners. The article says that there is overwhelming evidence of the impact that the work has had on the lives of many leaders. As a result, the book has become a source of reference among leaders concerning the right practice of leadership.

Fanam Street (2017) in an article, The Best Summary of How to Win Friends and Influence People, has provided a summary of some of the most robust lessons from the book. Applying these lessons in ordinary human life, the article says that the book is suitable for all communities and generations. Over the years, the principles of the book have been tested and proven to be capable of helping leaders to obtain the best from their employees. One of the principles that the article has discovered to be of immense benefits says that, do not criticize, condemn or complain. The article states that this principle is widely used in many quarters and it has been beneficial to leaders in both the government and non-government organizations (Hamm, 2007).

Klosowski (2016) in an article entitled, 80 Years Later: How to Win Friends and Influence People is a strange form of self-help, indicates that since Carnegie wrote the book, there has been a massive evolution in the understanding and application of the principles. However, one thing that remains is the application of the book concerns how to deal with people.  Anybody who has read the book will understand the various ways of dealing with individuals from all backgrounds. There are many situations in which people have failed to achieve what they desire because of their failure to know how to deal with others. Thus, according to this paper, the primary use of the book today is to guide members of the society on how they may deal with other people.

Weinberg (2018), writing to the modern employee concerning “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Can Teach the Modern Worker? Indicates that employees wield all the bargaining power when they engage with their employers. A modern employee must learn to impress the employer. Conversely, by complaining incessantly about the nature of their working environment, the individuals give themselves a shot in the foot. The unending throwing of tantrums and failing to appreciate the effort of that the employer has created a hostile environment between the two group and that has allowed bargaining very difficult. The article demonstrates that employees who find favor with their bosses are those who strive to make their bosses their friends. The creation of such an environment is beneficial to the employees.

 Finally, Charles (2017) in ‘How to Win Friends & Influence People’: Why the granddaddy of self-help endures, praises the impact this book had on the commercial practices in the world. Leadership is an integral part of success for any business organization. The traditional leadership approaches elevated the chief executive officer or the proprietor to some demi-god like status.  In this book, Carnegie challenge this leadership and laid out a system where bosses and their juniors could have a meeting of minds. Charles says that it is through the efforts of this book that most organizations witnessed an improved leadership standards and improvement of productivity.

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