I Cant Make This Up - Life Lessons
Kevin Hart
Contributed by Roseanne Meinecke
Chapter 30-35 - From Passion

The first step of any journey is perhaps the most difficult and Kevin’s first attempt at stand-up comedy was no different. Even his private audience of close friends and relatives rated him poorly. He soldiers on though and makes it to his first show at the Laff Hause where despite being the new comic, he gets the first slot. But it was in fact due to his family and friends that he owed his success. tThe more family and friends he got to come to his show, the more the Laff House capacity grew and so it was a strategic business decision for TuRae, the owner of the club, to make Kevin the main event. However, his commitment to City Sports, where he worked retail, and stand up was immediately tested when he had to choose one over the other.

Kevin made the inevitable choice of comedy over City Sports, but it turned out to be a bad choice. Amateur night got canceled and his stage shifted from comedy clubs to store corners and bowling alleys. With his career gone and no comedy competitions to partake in, his financial difficulties begin to unfoldet. His mom suggests he turn to the bible, but instead, armed with support from his new partner, Torrei, Kevin decides to enter the “dancing” scenel. A while later, Kevin take his mom’s advice and dives into the scriptures. To his surprise gains an understanding of how unseen forces affect one's tangible plans.


While passion and hard work are key to getting a career started, support from those closest to you will help keep you motivated and your dreams alive. These relationships keep you focused on your goals, inform you of new opportunities, and will even slip you some money to help you get by from time to time. However, financial activities mean business and business savvy is as important as talent. This is clear in TuRae’s strategy to fill up the Laff House through his competing comics.

Through Kevin, we also learn that maturity is required to make tough choices. At times, he could have felt like he’d “ just blown a big opportunity” and given up, but instead, he learned from the mistake for the next time he had an opportunity. With such choices, risk is a constant factor and because they can end up a colossal disaster, it’s easy to allow them to break us. Kevin shows us that it’s better to let the choices challenge us to find a better path.

Finally, whether we like it or not, it is probably in our best interest to recognize when external forces may be contrary to our destiny. It is equally important to recognize that some of these forces can be unseen and immaterial and to accept them for what they are.

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