Wiliam Shakespeare
Contributed by Karim Chandra
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Chapter Summaries
Act 1 Scene 1
Iago, the major antagonist, and Roderigo complain and contest the nature of Othello’s promotion based on the fact that he is a moor (dark-skinned).
Act 1 Scene 2
For his merits in battle, Othello is summoned by the Duke of Venice.
Act 1 Scene 3
On the order of the Duke, Othello, his contingent of soldiers, and his betrothed Desdemona head over to Cyprus to participate in another military campaign.
Act 2 Scene 3
Cassio, one of the men envious of Othello’s promotion, gets hammered at the banquet. His drunken behavior leads to his demotion from the rank of lieutenant.
Act 3 Scene 1
Cassio tries to beg Desdemona in an appeal to reinstate his position.
Act 3 Scene 3
Desdemona’s handkerchief is lost, located, and then handed to Iago.
Act 3 Scene 4
Based on Iago’s suspicions, Othello begins to question Desdemona on her relationship with Cassio.
Act 5 Scene 1
Roderigo attacks Cassio. Iago wounds Cassio and then Iago betrays and kills Roderigo.
Act 5 Scene 2
Othello kills Desdemona on the accusation that she is cheating. Iago kills Emilia in the confusion ensuing after it is revealed that he orchestrated a conspiracy against Othello. Othello commits suicide after realizing he murdered Desdemona for no reason.
Chapter Summaries Table
Chapter Summary
Act 1 Scene 1
On the streets of Venice, Roderigo, a nobleman, together with Iago, a former military officer in Venice Defense forces, have met and it appears that t...
Act 1 Scene 2
Iago provides a warning to Othello that there are rumors of the existence of a legal attempt to break his marriage. However, Othello takes confidence ...
Act 1 Scene 3
 Reports coming from Cyprus indicate that there is an impending attack from the Turkish fleet. However, the reports differ with regards to the size o...
Act 2 Scene 1
 From this scene onwards, all the actions take place in Cyprus. All the protagonists at the center of the initial conflict including Roderigo, Othell...
Act 2 Scene 2
 The herald reads a proclamation in which he announces the celebration of the destruction of the Turks fleet as well as the marriage of Othello....
Act 2 Scene 3
 During the celebration, Cassio is in charge of the drinking and feasting. He takes all his orders from Othello who informs him to tell the soldiers ...
Act 3 Scene 1
Cassio holds a meeting with a group of musician and another countryman. He sends them to go and fetch Emilia from wherever she was. When Emilia comes,...
Act 3 Scene 2
Othello uses a ship that is making a trip back to Venice to send a latter. He also inspects the fortifications in Cyprus....
Act 3 Scene 3
Cassio meets with Desdemona. He requests Desdemona to intercede for him with Othello so that he may get back his job. Knowing that Othello and Cassio ...
Act 3 Scene 4
Desdemona has sent for Cassio. She wants to tell him that she has talked with Othello and that all the plans are under to reinstate him. However, Desd...
Act 4 Scene 1
 In a conversation with Cassio, Othello hears that Cassio has confessed to sleeping with Desdemona. Upon hearing this, Othello becomes weak and colla...
Act 4 Scene 2
Othello approaches Emilia and questions her about Desdemona's infidelity. Emilia says that there is nothing immodest that has taken place between Desd...
Act 4 Scene 3
 It is after supper and Othello orders his wife to go to bed. Besides, he also tells her to fire her maid. As Emilia and Desdemona discuss these deve...
Act 5 Scene 1
It is in the streets at night. Roderigo and Iago are planning to kill Cassio. As Cassio draws near, Iago instructs Roderigo to attack him. When Roderi...
Act 5 Scene 2
This is probably one of the most absorbing scenes in the entire play. Othello walks into their bedroom as Desdemona sleeps. He walks very calmly into ...
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