Shattered - Inside Hillary Clintons Doomed Campaign
Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen
Contributed by Marshall Raine
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Chapter 1

Allen and Parnes begin the book by giving the readers a glimpse of what they think troubled Clinton’s campaign. According to the authors, “the campaign was an unholy mess, fraught with tangled lines of authority, petty jealousies, distorted priorities, and no sense of greater purpose” (Allen and Parnes 21). It seemed like no one was taking charge, and no one knew how to make Clinton’s campaign about something more significant than her. She lacked a vision that she could communicate to her voters. Most of her campaign staff were close friends she had worked with for more than a decade, and yet they contributed very little to her campaign in terms of political knowledge and skills (Allen and Parnes 16); the political experts she hired did not know her at a personal level. In fact, people like Beneson, Palmieri, and Podesta were hired to signal to Democratic officials, donors, and party voters that she had learned to welcome new members to her team and that she was determined to replicate the approach that Barrack Obama’s campaign took to win the 2008 elections (Allen and Parnes 24). They were all throwing elbows, and it was happening even before she launched her campaign.


The authors seem to think that Clinton’s campaign was doomed to fail right from the start. The problems were at every level of the campaign — from speechwriters, campaign managers, to the candidate herself. For starters, she did not even have a vision that could be communicated to her voters, which effectively meant that her campaign team was just a bunch of people with no sense of direction. She used a lot of people in her campaign, which made it difficult to make decisions; and because they all had the same authority, this complicated matters even more. Although her aides were all loyal and competent, Clinton favored loyalty over competency, which adversely affected her campaign — it adopted a convoluted authority structure that encouraged them to care more about their standings with her, and their future employment opportunities, instead of winning the election. Allen and Amie believe that her strategy had not changed much since her disastrous 2008 campaign against Obama. Therefore, the authors seem to be implying that her troubles were her own making.

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