Tess of the DUrbervilles
Thomas Hardy
Contributed by Harvey Landy
Chapter 57

Angel arrives at the train station, but finding the next train too long to wait for, he continues walking on. Soon, he hears Tess running breathlessly behind him, who tells him that she has just killed Alec. She moans that she owed it to Angel and that she knew she would kill him someday for how he wronged her. The two fall into each other’s arms, cooing words of love. He promises to protect her, even though he is shocked to hear about the crime.

They walk away, hand in hand, without a plan and Angel is true to his promise of providing and protecting her. They scheme to lay low for a little while and then head to the nearest port to leave the area. They walk a long way and rest for the evening in an empty house, visited only occasionally by a caretaker.

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