The Art of the Deal
Donald Trump
Contributed by Jack Shields
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Chapter 7

This chapter focuses on discussions about the Trump Tower, located at Tiffany. Initially, the deal for the establishment of this tower was dead. However, Trump did not surrender and kept on trying and even wrote letters to the various parties who would have been involved in its establishment (Trump and Schwartz 147). He accepts that sheer persistence is the dissimilarity between success and failure. Even when the corporation was bankrupt, he kept on trying again and again for three years (Trump and Schwartz 149). While creating the deal, he also considered the zoning and contiguous sections. He made sure that he wrote the agreement on a piece of paper to make certain that the other party didn’t change his mind. He made a deal with the amount he believed to be appropriate for this place, below the market fee. After the deal was done, he had diverse plans for the construction and kept all his options open.


The try to make comparison between success and failure, detailing how they come by. As portrayed in the chapter, many people define failure and success based on whether they have or lack something. Lack and despair cannot be used as a datum for failure. I this regard, success should be regarded as the ability to chase and accomplish dreams whereas failure is the inability to pursue dreams. At the time Trump was struggling with bankruptcy in his corporation, he knew that the dream of having the Trump Tower was still alive. Thus, people need to focus more on the level of success they wish to attain in their quest to undertake various projects. While challenges may appear to be direct with their operations, they need to realize that the chances of making major strides are enshrined on the consistent amount of energy they are likely to put into their work.

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