The Great Gatsby
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
Contributed by Karim Chandra
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Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1
Twenty-nine-year-old Nick Carraway reflects on the experiences of his recent past. The nineteen-year-old Jimmy Gatz meets Dan Cody.
Chapter 2
Gatsby falls in love with Daisy. However, the development of their relationship is cut short after Gatsby leaves to partake in World War I.
Chapter 3
Daisy gives up on Gatsby after waiting for a period of time and decides to marry Tom Buchanan.
Chapter 4
Nick, the narrator, moves to West Egg and meets Daisy again.
Chapter 5
Nick attends Gatsby’s party and both men become closer as friends. A romance begins to bud between Gatsby and Daisy. Tom begins to harbor suspicions about his wife’s possibly infidelity.
Chapter 6
Daisy chooses her love for Tom over Gatsby. Meanwhile, Myrtle is run over by a car.
Chapter 7
Gatsby is murdered violently. He is shot dead.
Chapter 8
Close to no one shows up for Gatsby’s funeral. It is a dismal scene in contrast to the parties he throws. Nick decides to move back to the Midwest.
Chapter 9
The narration arrives to the point in present day. It circles back to Nick beginning to recollect the events in his life from “two years ago.”
Chapter Summaries Table
Chapter Summary
Chapter 1
Nick Caraway, who is twenty-nine-years old reflects upon the different experiences he has had in the past. He had graduated from Yale University and s...
Chapter 2
Chapter two begins with the thorough explanation of the outlook of the “valley of ashes.” A location is a far-end place that is located between Ne...
Chapter 3
Jay Gatsby is famous in town as he is normally engaged in organizing parties in his home every week. Nick Carraway his, however, surprised at one week...
Chapter 4
In the entire of summer, Nick Carraway attends the various parties that Jay Gatsby throws in his neighborhood. He, therefore, notices a certain trend ...
Chapter 5
At the return of Nick Carraway to his home late evening, he is full of surprise to find that Jay Gatsby is waiting for him while full of nervousness. ...
Chapter 6
A reporter comes near Gatsby’s house in the hope that he will manage to question him. He is keen on gathering information regarding the past of Gats...
Chapter 7
This chapter presents a scenario where things get heightened in the relationship between Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom. The ensuing situation becomes even mo...
Chapter 8
In the morning following the hit and run accident, Nick pays a visit to Gatsby trying to encourage him to leave West Egg and get himself together, but...
Chapter 9
The day Jay Gatsby dies is well covered in police gossip photographers, reporters, and rubberneckers. They are looking into the pool of Gatsby and cre...
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