The Power of Habit - Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Charles Duhigg
Contributed by Roseanne Meinecke
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Chapter 5

From the excerpt, Travis Leach is portrayed as an individual who faced a lot of challenges during his upbringing.  Travis is described as an individual who never had a decent upbringing given the fact that both his parents abused drugs. During his upbringing, he faced a lot of problems both at home, and in school. This situation forced him to quit school, and look for a job though he had developed bad, and socially unacceptable behavior, and this is the reason he was fired from a carwash due to insubordination (Duhigg, 2012). He was later employed in Starbucks, and at the age of 25, he became the president of two Starbucks accumulating a net worth of $2 million. In the second part, willpower is an important aspect of any institution by considering the experiment undertaken in Case Western Reserve University. The experiment was done both on adults, and on kids, and the researcher aimed to ascertain the extent of self-regulation. The respondents showcased different characteristics related to willpower. On the other hand, the third section provides a clinical analysis of the setbacks of enhancing willpower on individuals who are resistant to change. The experiment reaffirms that irrespective of the pressure it is upon the management to make the staff feel confident, and able to undertake their mandate. On the fourth part, the author provides a background assessment of Howard Schultz who was one of the managers at Starbucks. Despite the harsh environment he grew in, he still had the will, and urge to excel. Through self-drive he was able to rise through the different ranks, and enhance the sales to $1.2 billion annually.


Behavioral change is not an easy thing to achieve but the case can be perceived differently in the case of Leach. Despite the fact that he failed to gain the proper teachings from parents, and close family members, his incorporation into Starbucks adequately helped in changing his character, and attitude. By maintaining a positive attitude, and habit, he was able to be the manager of the two Starbucks. On the other hand, for any corporation to succeed there are different problems which are faced in the course of production, and thus this means when the willpower of the staff is high then the bad moments can be well handled. In essence, Schultz's case, similar to Leach’s case, provide a profound foundation that demonstrates the ability to grow and succeed depends on the inner drive, and the perception of making something better. Thus, irrespective of the conditions, proper planning, and the inner drive are the major components which guarantee the success of any business venture.

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