The President is Missing
James Patterson, Bill Clinton
Contributed by Andrea Barraza
Chapter 101-110

Alex is working to be in connection with the secret service agents outside. Besides, Devin and Casey activate the virus but realize it is erasing pentagon files. The virus cannot be stopped. It has overridden Duncan’s phone, the treasury and other systems in America marking the start of the dark ages. A jet lands outside Zagreb. Sulliman hears his phone ring. He enjoys when he sees that the virus has been activated. The dark ages are finally here and Duncan’s fear is happening. The virus is overwriting most of the files. After a few minutes, the virus stops. Everyone wonders why it has stopped including Duncan. Bach is still at the window of the laundry room located in the basement. She is in active communication with her team. She breaks the window and gets in the room. The virus stopped since it wants a keyword. Nina placed a password override that would give America to save itself from the crisis. Bach moves around the room and a white screen appears with Augie’s name. The name, Augie, sounds familiar to Bach. She is in the communications room and she finds Duncan’s phone buzzing. She notices the cameras in the room gazing down at her. Bach knows she is cornered. The agents think that she may be wearing a suicide vest and seek to secure Duncan. Duncan and his team go to Marine One, which is around. Duncan orders Alex to take down Bach alive if possible. Bach decides to surrender. She realizes that the agents have orders to take her alive since she would have been dead by now. Duncan wants his phone. Casey and Devin are working to get the password override that would disarm the virus. The president gets his phone as they are back to the cabin where she finds Liz calling. Duncan dials Carolyn. She tells him of the password override. Duncan claims that the vice president is the traitor but he would explain later. Duncan orders Carolyn to gather the others since they have five minutes.


While the attack is happening around the president's vicinity, the dark ages have arrived since the virus has started erasing programs from the Pentagon servers, treasury, and other government departments. At this point, a reader can see that the virus is activated and America's dark ages have begun. A reader has the urge of reading on to find out how Duncan will stop the effects of the virus. Despite the activation of the virus, there may be some hope since the virus has stopped overwriting files. The world notorious assassin is in the same apartment with the president. A reader is left wondering whether Bach will kill Duncan successfully. From this one, can see that Nina wanted to give America a chance to save itself from the wiper virus attack. Bach is around the president’s phone implying that Duncan is around. Her mission is nearing completion. These chapters show that Bach’s mission has failed since she is almost being captured. Besides, the president is out of the cabin and is on a helicopter. Bach knows the rules and understands she is alive since the agents arresting her have orders to take her alive. Duncan wants to remain in communication with his white house staff explaining why he wants his phone. Duncan trusts Carolyn evident from his conversation with Carolyn regarding the traitor.

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