The President is Missing
James Patterson, Bill Clinton
Contributed by Andrea Barraza
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Chapter 61-70

Augie leaves the president, Ritcher, and Noya. The three suspect Russia and the country behind the attack. Alex intervenes claiming that Russian ambassadors have arrived. The Russian president sends his prime minister instead since he has been ill for years. They discuss the virus and Duncan explains to him that he learned of the virus two weeks ago and he has tried some countermeasures but is not enough. Duncan says that he will order a counterattack if Russia is responsible for the virus. However, the prime minister of Russia tells Duncan that he will help the United States in any means possible to prevent the attack from happening as planned. Bach has a chance to continue with her mission. She sets up her rifle, takes an oxygen tank, and dives into a lake. Doubts emerge showing that Russian’s fingerprints may not be present in the attacks. Kathy, on the other hand, addresses the press on the missing president but appears to defend Duncan saying that he is not missing but working to protect the country. Duncan suspects Kathy to be the leak of the dark ages to unauthorized persons. Bach is ready for her mission. She sees the secret service detail of the president at a distance. The secret service agents cannot see her. Bach is ready to complete her mission this time alone since she prefers working on her own. Bach is in the woods and the forest cover makes her unnoticeable. She sees a deer and presumes the heads of state are feasting and feeding on deer carcasses. She shoots the deer on the era making the animal scream and yelp in pain. The secret service tells the president that the people killed at the bridge’s explosion were mercenaries deployed. The president orders the agents to trace the money and identify the people who sent them. Devin, a white house staff, claims that he has located the virus. Bach is still in her location. However, she fears being noticed, sees two agents, and considers killing them together if they see her. The president checks his watch and realizes that time is fading and any minute now, the virus could be released. Devin has found the virus. He thinks recreating it would help. Augie could help but they realize that he escaped through a window.


At this point, the heads of state assume that Russia is responsible for the wiper virus attack and has summoned them to understand if the country is behind the attack. Duncan has not yet said that he suspects Russia to be the heads of the attack. He appears to be a man of status and respectable since an ordinary person could start by asking the Russians why they would want to take America back to the dark ages. These chapters leave a reader thinking is Russia is responsible for the attack as initially suspected since Russia promises to help America by all means possible to prevent the attack. Bach is about to execute another attack and swims in a lake and has an oxygen tank with her. Still, the authors do not mention Bach’s target. These chapters show the existence of unhealthy relations between Duncan and Kathy since Kathy does not know of Duncan’s whereabouts. These chapters reveal that Bach is watching the president’s location where he has some heads of state visiting for a meeting regarding the virus. She has set a rifle implying that she is ready for the assassination. Besides, these chapters show that Bach is ready to take down her target and is in a good position this time since the forest cover provide her with a perfect hiding. From this, one can see that Duncan and his team are one-step forward in identifying the virus. Bach is ready for the task but is exhausted. She is determined to do all he can to accomplish her mission this time. One problem has been solved, which is locating the virus. Neutralizing the virus is the problem. The only remaining hope, Augie, has fled, which makes it difficult.

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