What Happened
Hillary Clinton
Contributed by Nina Calhoun
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Chapter 11

The end of the primaries is presented as being a hectic moment for Hillary. She still wanted to win California on her side. and because of that, she spent the last days racing all over Southern California and getting media attention to encourage all her supporters to vote for her. During her trip, she is called to be announced that according to the latest AP's count she hit the number of delegates which were required to win. Sh4 couldn't resist exposing her happiness as she was the only thing that stood between Donald Trump winning the title. Finally, she got the chance to have a one on one fight as she desired since the beginning.

When the primary was over, Hillary Clinton earned 2842 delegate counts for her while Bernie 1865, making her the first female nominee of a major party. During the event, Bill Clinton also hold a speech to congratulate his wife and future candidate for the presidency. The speech deeply impressed Hillary as Bill focused more on the personal side of the story sharing with the people the reasons why he believes and loves the women he can call his wife. The event ended with Hillary's speech streamed to the arena in Philadelphia where she stated that they are one step closer to making history.

The burden of writing the perfect speech for the last day of the convention wasn't easy. Together with her team, she spent several days editing and re-editing it trying to make a statement through those words and at the same time prove that Trump was not the right person to become a president. After her daughter's introduction speech Hillary was on the stage and shared her joy and thankfulness with her supporter.


There is a reason why Hillary chose this name for this part of the book. Once she won the nominations she became the first woman to ever be chosen by a major party for this title. If it were to look in the past and how women all around the world were criticized for not being suitable for a position, we could understand why this moment represents a turning points for the history books. Through her actions and her successes, Hillary managed to prove the entire world that a female can be eligible for this position.

After reading these pages we can describe Hillary as a well-thought person who doesn't pause her plans just because she earned a victory. She is the kind of person who wants to win the entire war. We can still see that "mother side" of her which she presented us in the other chapters but more than that through her achievements we see a woman who can bring huge changes in the United States. Even though this part of the book marks one of her first victories regarding her candidacy, there is still a long way to go.

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