What Happened
Hillary Clinton
Contributed by Nina Calhoun
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Chapter 2

The next section of the book presents Hillary getting ready for her concession speech. The speech took place at the New York Hotel in Manhattan as the convention center atrium was no longer an option because of the defeat. During this event she focuses on trying to look at things will get better and that the republic will be able to endure this horrifying situation. Once she finished her speech she hugged the people who were attending and slowly left the place together with her husband. The rest of the day she spent it at home in Chappaqua trying to stay away from everything that could remind her of the loss.

She recalls how she felt and what she had done to feel better after the results of the election were announced. Hillary refused to isolate herself as she believed that what she needed was to have her friends next to her. Several messages from supporters were sent to her which brought a smile on her face as she understood that even though she was defeated the people who supported her were still willing to fight.

She remembers attending a party at the Brooklyn hotel after the election which ended up being surprisingly great. She used that moment to thank everyone who stood next to her. As a sign of hope, she offered to the crowd roses.

The upcoming weeks were worse than the first days as Hillary felt more upset and started to worry about what is going to happen to the country. She took those days off to spend time with her family in nature, travel, go to Broadway shows and read letters from her supporters. She ends her chapter by stating how much she prayed for the country and for what was going to come next.


The second part of the book focuses on two important moments: the concession speech and the recovery period. She felt gratitude for all the people who supported her which can be sensed by all her actions such as giving her supporter roses, writing thank you letter and ensuring that everyone gets paid on time. Grit is the trait that defines her during that period because she was fighting to stay positive no matter what happened. The most part of this chapter focuses on her recovery period. We can state that even though the public sees her as a powerful political woman she needs her moments with her family as all of us in order to recover from such a loss. There are many parts where she shares with her readers the encouraging messages she has got from her supporters. She ends this chapter with a power quote stating that in the end, we need to do what our heart dictates us to as we will be doomed even if we do it or don't.

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