Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë
Contributed by Karim Chandra
Chapter 13

Isabella's decision to flee with Heathcliff comes at a high price. Isabella wrote a letter to Mrs. Dean confused if Heathcliff was a man or a devil she wondered. Isabella was shocked with the real character of Heathcliff. The people at Wuthering Heights are not friendly neither cooperative. Joseph shoves a burning stick to her direction; Joseph scolds her for making oatmeal lumpy. Hareton drinks milk and manages to spit in it. Hareton threatens Isabella with the dog. Isabella pours the oatmeal on the floor. Hareton's dog eats the oatmeal on the floor.  It appears Isabella was not welcome in Wuthering Heights. She had no servants to help her out. Isabella comes across Hindley who had become a loner. His hair had overgrown, was long and shabby. Hindley has a gun and plans to kill Heathcliff, but first, he wanted to recover his money and Wuthering Heights that he gambled away. Isabella had no place for herself. She stuck at the fireplace. Heathcliff returned and seemed not to have kind words for her.


The dilemma that the chapter wants to answer is what causes good people become good or change for the worse. The environment contributes to people changing. Hareton is known to have been mean to Isabella and later became kind to her. The situation in Wuthering Height was a violent environment that affected those who lived there. Thrushcross community is viewed differently as kind cultured and welcoming.  Isabella despite the mistreatment and violence meted to her by Heathcliff she refused to harm him, she risked her life to prevent Hindley from shooting Heathcliff. Hindley was desperate and could not reconcile that after all the mistreatment Heathcliff was doing better than him. Hindley was almost at Heathcliff mercy because Hindley was a broke drunk.

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