Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë
Contributed by Karim Chandra
Chapter 22

Mrs. Dean and Catherine had a private chat one day in October. The purpose of their discussion was the deteriorating health of Edgar and the need to Catherine vexing him. The continued controversy and arguments Mrs. Dean believed could shorten the life of Edgar and make Heathcliff and Linton happier. As Catherine was picking roses from a tree, her hat fell over, and she couldn't reach it. The keys to the gate to the moor couldn't open. Heathcliff appeared from nowhere riding a horse.  Catherine accused Heathcliff of being wicked. Heathcliff pleads with Catherine to visit Linton. He claims stopping to write letters to Linton made him sick. It was about to rain, and Catherine requested Mrs. Dean to allow her to visit Wuthering Heights.


The chapter compares Catherine and Cathy.  Catherine is earthly, unselfish and empathizes. Catherine loves dogs and horses. On the other hand, Cathy is impatient, fiery and thinks the moment. Catherine believes in the future weighs her options and decided. The rain represents a stormy future. This chapter shows the cunningness of Heathcliff, and he is a wicked man full of pretext. Revenge and nothing else motivate Heathcliff. Maybe marriage to Cathy would have presented a different scenario.

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