You Are a Badass
Jen Sincero
Contributed by Micheal Celestin
Chapter 10-16

Sincero introduces this part by discussing the impact of meditation on the lives of individuals. Just by closing their eyes for five minutes and engaging the mind in thought, an individual is likely to discover many things. In many ways, meditation presents pleasant thoughts. Meditation is illuminating and creates an in-depth understanding of the environment. "When you shut up and meditate for even five minutes and start to really notice the thoughts that are squirreling around in your brain, it's rather... illuminating. If you're like most people, most of your thoughts are about as valuable and interesting as a bunch of two-year-old’s fighting over a sippy cup”. In a world that characterized by chaos and restlessness, Sincero says that taking time to meditate is essential since it helps to create a positive vibe. She says that meditating, and being in ‘The Vortex’, is like riding an ‘airstream of awesomeness’. Many problems may be solved by a simple act of meditation.

In chapter eleven, Sincero elaborately discusses the power of the mind. The mind is the engine that controls the decisions that humans make. The character and behavior of someone reflects who they are. A man is only as good as his mind and the mind is capable of making or destroying.  Sincero says that it is through thought that we create our realities. Thus, mastering the art of positive thinking is the greatest gift that a man can give to himself. She says that "I think; therefore, I can create awesomeness. Or horrendousness. But the bottom line is that it’s through our thoughts that we create our realities.” Happiness and success do not come to people who think they are incapable or less worthy. However, even during the most difficult times, people must learn to think positively.

Life is incredibly difficult for people who think of things that are beyond their reach. Ambition is good, but only to the extent when it is regulated. An unregulated ambition is as dangerous as lack of one. To this, Sincero advises that it is necessary to control ambition and make realistic targets. She says that "I guarantee you there are countless people with way more to whine about out there than you who are totally kicking ass because they decided to go for it instead of sitting around in the wet pantload of their own excuses.” The problem is that some people come up with targets and goals that are so huge that they become stressed at the sight of the challenges ahead of them.

Sincero says that being happy means giving away some of the burdens that make our lives miserable. People are struggling in the world with many problems. While some of the problems are caused by nature, of which there is nothing much that individuals can do about, it is also a fact that a significant portion of the troubles and pains that we go through daily are self-inflicted. To these, Sincero says that we must give them up. She writes that "We live in a universe of give and receive, breathe and exhale, live and die, suck and awesome. Each side depends on the other, and each is relative to the other—every action has an equal and opposite reaction—so the more you give, the more you receive. And vice versa." Selfishness causes destruction, and it is one of the things that individuals must give up.

Gratitude appears prominently in Sincero's discussion of factors that expand the opportunities for many people. The absence of gratitude, however, has an effect in the sense that it prevents individuals from receiving favor from other parties. Sincero says there are many things in this world that we receive out of favor, "You cut yourself off from the supply of awesomeness when you are not in a state of gratitude." Thus, being grateful for any act of kindness, however little it may be, is incredibly important for personal progress. The primary reason to show gratitude, according to Sincero, is that the more consistently you stay in gratitude and focused on that which is good, the stronger your connection to the Source Energy is, and the more quickly and effortlessly you'll be able to manifest that which is unseen, into your reality.


Meditation has for a long time been considered as a solution to a number of problems that humans can face. Meditation has been used as a medical therapy to some of the most common and troubling ailments that people have encountered for thousands of years. Sincero provides a wide range of approaches to meditation that may be used by people to help improve their lives. Most importantly, meditation is essential in the creation of a mental state that allows for the recognition of the hidden aspects of an individual's environment.  Meditation is related to the strength of the mind, which Sincero says is incredibly important in dictating the course of the life of an individual. The ability to succeed or fail is shaped by the mind.

People are carrying a lot of baggage that hinder personal happiness. Anger, jealousy, hatred and the desire to continually receive but not to give, are some of the types of baggage that a number of people are carrying. Giving this baggage away is central to the achievement of personal happiness. For example, it is impossible for a person who always hates to live positively and be happy. Thus, there are certain thoughts and behaviors that humans must stop practicing in order to be happy.

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