You Are a Badass
Jen Sincero
Contributed by Micheal Celestin
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Chapter 3

Stress and anxiety are two of the most devastating mental conditions that are likely to have adverse effects on the life of an individual. Things that do not have meaning and those that do not improve the quality of life always trouble people. Sincero says that by wrapping the mind around things that have passed and in focusing on things that are in the future, there is a tendency to forget about the things that matter presently. She says, "When we get so wrapped up in our heads, we miss out on what's available to us right now in the moment. Stop and notice how you feel right now.” It is important to change focus and concentrate on the things that matter in the present, as they are the most important aspects of human life.


Amidst the trials and tribulations of the world, people go through many psychological problems such as anxiety and stress which have tremendously negative effects on their focus on life. Sincero says that stress makes people focus on the past while anxiety makes people focus on the things to come. In the end, people who are stressed and anxious fail to take note of the opportunities that are currently available to them. As Sincero puts it, the present provides a wide range of opportunities that people can exploit to achieve what they want. However, the disappointment of the past and hopelessness in the future has made sure that many people fail to recognize the opportunities that are available for them. She suggests that people ought to behave more like babies since neither the past nor the future form a part of their worries. The primary concern of any person should be on how to get the best out of the present moments. Following this means that success will be on the way.

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